Protecting yourself and your loved ones

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Protect the value of your assets

The greatest threat to your retirement capital: the high cost of healthcare

Long-term care insurance - To avoid depleting your savings if you lose your independence

Get the best healthcare while remaining in your own home. Monthly benefit of up to $10,000, without having to submit invoices.

Thanks to advances in medicine, people are living longer than ever. Sooner or later, though, the risk of losing your independence will grow.

According to Statistics Canada, life expectancy is age 83 for women and age 78 for men1. Keep in mind that the older you get, the greater your chances are of losing your independence:

If one day you need help with simple, everyday activities, where will you turn? In 90% of cases, the people who end up providing care are spouses, children, or other family members2.

  1. Source: "Perspectives démographiques, Québec et regions" [Demographic perspectives of the province of Quebec], Institut de la statistique du Québec 2001.
    Source: Quebec's Ministère des Finances, February 2005.
  2. Source: "The sandwich generation", Canadian Social Trends Summer 2005, no. 77.