Protecting yourself and your business

Alternate income in case of the unexpected

Be sure to adequately protect yourself and your assets

If a health condition or accident forced you to reduce your professional activities, is your business solid enough to pay your salary without affecting its viability?

  • Select Disability Income1 - Ensure yourself an income, whatever happens
    • To protect your company's cash flow
    • Monthly income up to $10,000 based on your employment income
    • Income enhancement for self-employed workers
    • Special rates for professionals and recognized agricultural producers2
    • Possibility of transferring certain amortization expenses to insurable income for recognized agricultural producers2
  1. Select coverage is provided by Desjardins Financial Security, Financial Services Firm.
  2. The definition of "recognized agricultural producer" is based on a minimum amount of agricultural income.

Protect yourself against financial repercussions resulting from a loss

  • Loss of income coverage - Obtain compensation
    • To maintain your income and activities during renovations
    • To limit loss of business income

Learn more about Loss of income coverage