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Tenant insurance

Protect your belongings against the most common types of losses such as fire, theft and water damage. Get a quote and, if you're eligible, buy your tenant insurance online.

Get a quote

With a local Desjardins Agent

For personalized advice and coverage tailored to your needs, work with a Desjardins Agent.

Why should you have tenant insurance?

To protect your belongings

Did you know that your landlord's home insurance doesn't cover your belongings? In the event of theft or fire, your tenant insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing your belongings, such as your furniture, electronic devices and clothes.

To cover your liability

It's included in all home insurance policies. This insurance covers you for unintentional bodily injury or property damage that you cause to a person who doesn't live with you.

To cover your relocation expenses in the event of a loss

If fire damage or some other type of loss makes it impossible for you to live in your apartment for a certain amount of time, your insurance covers your additional living expenses, like hotel costs.

How to choose tenant insurance coverage

Assess the value of your belongings

Take stock of the belongings in your apartment and calculate how much it would cost to replace them. Keep pictures and receipts of each item on that list somewhere safe from any potential damage or loss.

To get started, use the Insurance Bureau of Canada's Personal Property Inventory  External link. Opens in a new tab. form.

See if you need optional coverage

Do you live in a basement? Do you have a storage locker? Do you live near a body of water? Do you have valuable items, such as a bike or jewellery? By answering these questions, you'll be able to determine whether you need optional coverage.

Contact us if you need help in choosing your coverage. We'll help you evaluate your insurance needs, based on your situation.

What's covered by our tenant insurance

All-risk insurance covers most losses that can damage your belongings, such as fire, theft, vandalism and accidental water damage.

With our optional coverages, you can supplement your tenant insurance to meet your specific needs.

Select the type of coverage you want or scroll down to find out more.

Included coverages



This insurance covers you for unintentional bodily injury or property damage that you cause to a person who doesn't live with you, anywhere in the world.

It also covers family members who live with you.


Liability insurance covers claims against you for incidents like these.

  • A fire breaks out in your apartment and spreads to your neighbours' homes
  • Your washing machine leaks onto your floor, which damages the apartment below
  • Your dog bites a passerby and injures them
What coverage amount should you get?
  • Minimum we offer: $1 million
  • For added peace of mind: $2 million
  • Maximum we offer: $5 million

Contact us to find out what amount is best for you

Fire, theft, vandalism


This insurance covers your belongings and furniture against damage caused by fire, smoke, theft and vandalism.


If you lose your furniture and clothes due to a fire, or if your apartment is burglarized while you're on vacation, we cover the cost of replacing your belongings up to the amount specified in your policy.

If you have to temporarily relocate during repairs

If you have to make alternative living arrangements during repairs, your additional living expenses, like hotel costs, are also covered.

Accidental water damage


Your basic policy can cover some accidental events as long as they're sudden and don't happen repeatedly, such as:

  • Damage caused by the breakage of your washing machine hose
  • Damage caused by a leak from your water heater, as long as it wasn't excluded from your insurance policy because it was too old


If the pipe under your sink suddenly breaks and causes damage to the furniture and belongings in your apartment, it's covered, up to the amount specified in your policy.

Tornadoes, lightning, freezing rain, hail and wind


This insurance protects the belongings in your apartment from damage caused by tornadoes, lightning, freezing rain, hail and wind.


During a windstorm, a branch smashes through a window and damages your TV. We cover the cost of repairing or replacing the TV.

Fire, smoke or explosion after an earthquake


Endorsement 22b

This coverage protects against damage caused by fires, smoke or explosions caused by an earthquake or other ground movements that may occur after, such as avalanches, landslides or subsidence.


If an earthquake damages your apartment's electrical system and causes a fire, we cover the cost of repairing or replacing your damaged furniture and belongings.

Furniture and belongings


This insurance covers your belongings and furniture up to the amount specified in your policy.


Your bookcase wasn't installed correctly, and it comes crashing down onto your TV and speakers. Your insurance will cover the cost of repairing or replacing these items.

If you have valuable items

There may be limits on the amounts you can claim for certain items, such as jewellery, bikes and works of art. Ask about the limits specific to your policy and, if need be, get additional coverage for what your property is worth.

Optional coverages

Ground water and sewer backup


Endorsement 16c

This coverage offers protection against sudden and accidental damage caused by:

  • Water leaks, overflows or backups from places like sewers and septic tanks
  • Water coming from, for example, the subsoil drainage pipe and seeping through basement windows, doors or floors


A sewer backup damages property in your apartment or storage locker. We cover the replacement, repair or cleanup cost, up to the amount indicated in your policy.



Endorsement 16d

This insurance covers sudden and accidental damage caused by flooding, meaning the rising or overflow of a body or stream of water, if the water reaches the surface of the ground of the insured premises.


If you have to vacate the building due to a flood, we cover your additional living expenses, like hotel costs during your temporary relocation, up to the amount indicated in your policy.

Rain, snow or sleet


Endorsement 42

This insurance covers sudden and accidental damage caused by above ground water.

Accidental water damage

These events occur when:

  • Rain or snow seeps through walls, roofs, doors and windows
  • Water leaks, backs up or overflows from gutters or downspouts
  • The weight of ice, snow or wet snow is too heavy for your building, causing cracks in the roof


Ice has built up on your building's roof edge. Water has accumulated behind these buildups and seeped in through the window, damaging some of your belongings. We cover the damage to your belongings, up to the amount indicated in your policy.



Endorsement 22a

This insurance covers:

  • Damage caused by earthquakes
  • Damage by other ground movement that might be caused by an earthquake, like avalanches, landslides or subsidence


Your kitchen ceiling collapses following an earthquake. We cover the cost of repairing or replacing your belongings and furniture.

Tips to prevent earthquake damage
  • Install clasps on cabinet doors to ensure they remain closed.
  • Secure heavy and expensive electronic devices to prevent them from tipping over.

Personal property temporarily off premises


Endorsement 40

This insurance covers your personal property temporarily outside your home, anywhere in the world, up to the amount indicated in your policy.

Without this additional coverage, your belongings and furniture are only covered up to 10% of your insurance amount.


Your luggage is stolen while you're on vacation abroad. We cover the replacement cost.

Home-based businesses and short-term rentals


This insurance covers certain commercial or professional activities taking place at your home, such as those of a small home-based business or self-employed worker, or the short-term rental of your apartment, as long as they're mentioned on your policy's Coverage Summary.


If you rent out your apartment on a short-term rental platform, we cover damage to your personal property within the terms of your policy.


Did you know?

Generally speaking, insurance companies don't cover any of the following situations.

Repeated water seepage or leaks


Damage caused by repeated or continuous water seepage or leaks isn't covered.


The pipe under your kitchen sink has been leaking for a few weeks and you've neglected to have it repaired. We don't cover the damage to your personal property.

Landslides, subsidence and other events


Damage caused by avalanches, landslides, subsidence or soil erosion isn't covered unless those events were caused by an earthquake and you have Earthquake coverage (Endorsement 22a).

Damage caused by tidal waves or tsunamis is never covered.

Defects, deterioration, and wear and tear


Defects, wear and tear, and gradual deterioration aren't covered by your insurance policy.


Your 10-year-old refrigerator stops working. The cost of repair or replacement isn't covered.

Damage caused by certain insects and animals


Damage caused by vermin, insects, birds, rodents, raccoons or bats isn't covered.


Mice get into your apartment and damage your furniture. We don't cover its repair or replacement.

Buy your tenant insurance online

Get a quote and, if you're eligible, buy your tenant insurance without having to call us.

Get a quote

With a Desjardins Agent

For personalized advice or help getting a quote, contact one of our local Desjardins Agents.

How to save on your tenant insurance

One way to lower your insurance price is to take advantage of our discounts and savings.


I'm renting an apartment during my studies. Do I need home insurance?

If you're a full-time student, still dependent on your parents and they have home insurance with us, then your liability and belongings, such as your furniture, clothes and laptop, are covered by their insurance. However, your parents must tell their insurance company where you live and which of your belongings need to be insured.

This coverage could end if you're no longer a full-time student, which means you might need to get tenant insurance.

Can my roommate and I be covered under the same home insurance policy?

Yes, we can cover up to 2 roommates under the same home insurance policy. The cost of your insurance might be lower than if you each took out insurance separately.

How can I save on my tenant insurance premium?

Here are some tips to lower the cost of your tenant insurance.

  • Increase your deductible. However, make sure you have the means to pay the deductible in the event of a claim.
  • Take advantage of our Double Contract discount by insuring both your car and your home with us.
  • Declutter your apartment so you don't buy insurance for things you don't need.
  • Prevent incidents. If there are no home insurance claims in your file, you could save on your premium with our Claims-Free discount.
    There are many ways to prevent losses such as those involving fire:
    • Test your smoke detector batteries regularly
    • Keep a fire extinguisher easily accessible in your home
    • Clean your dryer filter regularly
    • Make sure to turn off the burners on your stove when you're done
    • Avoid smoking in your home

Contact us

Client Relations Centre

Monday to Friday: 8 AM to 8 PM
Saturday: 8 AM to 4 PM 

1-888-277-8726 This link will launch your default phone software.

Damage insurance products are underwritten and distributed by Desjardins General Insurance Inc., provider of automobile, property and business insurance.
The information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. The terms and conditions of the coverages described are set out in the insurance policy, which always prevails. Certain conditions, exclusions and limitations may apply. Online insurance purchase is available subject to our underwriting policies. Savings and discounts are based on each client's individual profile and are subject to eligibility conditions. Rates and discounts are subject to change without notice.