How to cancel an Interac e-Transfer
Cancel an Interac e-Transfer® on AccèsD from your mobile device or computer.
- Mobile app
- Web browser
Mobile app
Log in to the Desjardins mobile services app, then select Transactions.
On the Transactions page, select Interac e-transfers.
On the next page, select Manage active e-Transfers.
Select the transfer you want to cancel.
Select Cancel e-Transfer on the information page.
Select Cancel e-Transfer again.
Choose the deposit account, then select Next.
Write a message to your recipient (optional), and select Confirm to cancel the Interac e-Transfer and retrieve the funds.
Web browser
Log in to AccèsD. On the home page, select Transfers.
Select Interac transfers.
On the next page, select the Manage active e-Transfers tab.
Select the transfer you want to cancel.
Select Cancel e-Transfer on the information page.
Select Cancel e-Transfer again.
Choose the deposit account, then select Confirm to cancel the e-Transfer and retrieve the funds.
Contact us
By phone
We can call you when it's convenient.