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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins du Réseau de la santé > About the caisse

About the caisse

Caisse Desjardins du Réseau de la santé is specialized in healthcare and life sciences for pour Desjardins. Exclusively serving students, professionals and retirees in the health sector, the team is made up of advisors who know the industry, its challenges and opportunities.

What sets us apart:

  • Products and services that meet the needs of students and professionals in the healthcare sector (The Personal insurance, group RRSPs, health offers, scholarships, etc.).
  • Our caisse is made up of health workers and their families.
  • A mobile team of experts is available during the day and evening to meet with you at your workplace, our offices or financial centres.
  • Our caisse is committed to your community.

Each caisse member is also a co-owner of the caisse. Find out more about caisse operations.

Promote the economic and social well-being of health network personnel and communities:

  • so the wealth and strength of the group can benefit its members and contribute to their development.


Let's work together to:

  • be a first-rate a provincial caisse, known and recognized throughout the health network.
  • be accessible to everyone and in every work and living environment.
  • be proactive and exercise leadership when serving members by offering a distinctive and privileged relationship.



The Caisse Desjardins du Réseau de la santé came as a result of the merger of caisses in the healthcare area in Montreal, Lanaudière, Richelieu-Yamaska, Hautes-Laurentides, Saguenay - Lac St-Jean, Charlevoix and Quebec City. It is disctinctive for its development potential. Building long-term, effective relationships with employees and organizations working in the healthcare field is a priority for the Caisse.

The Caisse is managed by its own members, who elect the administrators who sit on the Board of Directors and Board of Supervision. In addition, various committees are constituted to analyze and define Caisse orientations.

The Caisse Desjardins du Réseau de la santé makes available to members Desjardins Group's vast network of financial services while allowing them to maintain control over their caisse so it can work to meet their own particular needs.

Caisse Desjardins du Réseau de la santé is an accessible, cutting-edge provincial financial institution created by and for people in the healthcare sector.

Our healthcare knowledge and expertise allows us to offer products and services tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals (the most beneficial Desjardins group RRSP, healthcare packages for certain types of professions, scholarships, etc.).

Our in-depth knowledge of our members and their working conditions and benefits sets the bar for a genuine, value-added service offer.

Our team of experts can also help you by recommending beneficial tax strategies to improve your financial well-being.

Our advisors are available to answer your questions, day or evening, by phone or online meeting, at home and even at your workplace.