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Personal finance

Love and creativity: Dánae's new life in Quebec

November 6, 2023

What began as a simple collaboration on an independent video game project turned into a love story and then a plan to settle in Canada. Today, Dánae lives in Montreal, is in a relationship and has an exciting career with a major video game studio. "Mission accomplished! I'm here at last and am staying for good: It has completely changed my outlook," she explains. Let's take a look at her story and the kind people in it who helped give her a solid footing when she arrived in Quebec. 

A relationship sparked by a video game 

He was looking for an artist to collaborate with and Dánae wanted to land a stimulating project to give her creativity free rein. That's how the pair first met in France. Since then, they have been tackling life's challenges together. Dánae and her boyfriend started talking about one of her long-standing dreams: to visit Canada. Why not go ahead and make it happen? He set out first to look for a job and apartment and get ready for his better half to join him. But then the pandemic hit. With all borders closed, the couple had to make do with a long-distance relationship.  

The employer steps up to the plate 

Dánae accepted a job as an interface designer with a Montreal-based studio. After working remotely for a year, she got a chance to come and live here. She still marvels at her employer's plan to help smooth her transition to Quebec: open a bank account, take out insurance, get a credit card and locate essential businesses and services. 

"When I first arrived, I didn't have a clue about any of that. But I never felt like I was on my own. Between my boyfriend and my employer, I had people to guide me to find the resources I needed."


Interface designer

Refreshingly simple

Dánae's employer introduced her to Desjardins, its partner financial institution. The young woman was pleasantly surprised to discover a range of customized financial products and services for newcomers. She was struck by how different this was to her previous life, which could get bogged down by gruelling administrative processes. Assisted by a Desjardins advisor, she chose a credit card and plan that suited her needs: the welcome offer for newcomers..

"Dealing with Desjardins has been simple right from the start. They're straightforward in their discussions, which I really appreciate. I like being able to choose and make my own decisions."


Interface designer

Recharging and getting creative

Since arriving in December 2022, Dánae has been setting down roots in her new hometown. She likes shopping at Jean Talon Market and sampling the treats offered by the different merchants. She and her boyfriend like to browse in bookstores, hang out in cat cafés and hit the dance floor in their tango class. Dánae enjoys discovering new things about the community she now calls her own.

Art plays an important role in her life. She loves to draw, sculpt, and paint and also makes magnificent notebooks with wooden covers, a bookbinding craft she developed during the pandemic.

Tip: Open an account before you arrive here

Moving into your new apartment, shopping for groceries, getting to know your new neighbourhood: You'll be very busy once you arrive in Quebec. Save some precious time by applying for a Desjardins account online before you pack your bags to come to Canada.

> Learn more about the welcome offer for newcomers. External link. This link will open in a new window. External link. This link will open in a new window. Lien externe au site. S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre.

In their spare time, Dánae and her boyfriend are putting the finishing touches to their independent video game, which sparked their beautiful adventure. "We want to finish our little video game. It symbolizes an important step for us," Dánae says. "Because if you have a dream or goal or an urge to accomplish something, you just have to make it come true!"

Description Transcript
Dánae réalise son rêve de pouvoir vivre de son métier d’artiste | Nouveaux arrivants

1 min 27 sec.

En arrivant du Mexique avec la promesse d’un emploi dans les jeux vidéo, Dánae retrouve aussi son amoureux avec qui elle nourrissait le désir de vivre au Canada. Surprise par l’efficacité du plan de son employeur pour faciliter son arrivée, elle découvre également que Desjardins est un allié de confiance pour les nouveaux arrivants. Pour profiter d’un accompagnement personnalisé à chaque étape de votre projet d’arrivée, rendez-vous au
Dánae réalise son rêve de pouvoir vivre de son métier d’artiste | Nouveaux arrivants



Quand tu fais quelque chose que tu aimes,


y a pas un seul jour que tu travailles.


Quand je suis arrivée ici au Canada, toutes les questions se sont posées.


Est-ce que je vais pouvoir m'intégrer vraiment?


Est-ce que mon travail, ça va bien se passer?


Et en fin de compte, bien, est-ce que ça va marcher?


Tout court.


OK, je vois, je vois. Oui, je vois.


Il y a 4 ans, mon copain, il me demande:


« T'avais prévu déjà le Canada un moment donné, veux-tu qu'on essaie? »


J'ai dit: Bien oui.




Moi, je travaille dans les jeux vidéo.


C'est ma petite étoile dorée de fierté.


Au point qu'ici avec mon copain,


on continue à faire des jeux vidéo à la maison.


L'aventure, elle s'arrête jamais, en fait.


C'est quand même beaucoup de travail.


Moi, mon métier, c'est être une artiste.


Pour tout ce qui est institutions financières,


les chiffres, les petites clauses, tout ça,


moi, je fais confiance aux gens qui savent faire leur métier.


Quand j'ai vu que Desjardins avait une offre pour les nouveaux arrivants,


je me suis dit: Ça, c'est génial.


Quand je suis arrivée ici, j'avais un travail, oui,


mais j'avais énormément de questions.


Au fil du temps, les questions, elles sont disparues


et maintenant, tout va bien.


Je commence à avoir ma liste de téléphones canadiens


qui commence à se remplir un petit peu.


Profitez d'un accompagnement personnalisé à chaque étape de votre projet d'arrivée.


Ça, c'est rassurant.

A fee was paid to obtain this real-life story.