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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Lévis > Our team

Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Étienne Guay Étienne Guay, CPA
Tax Specialist
Marie-Hélène Guité Marie-Hélène Guité
Sylvie Robitaille Sylvie Robitaille
René Bégin René Bégin, FCPA, ASC
Tax Consultant
Jean-Pierre Bernier Jean-Pierre Bernier
Emmanuel Coutlée Emmanuel Coutlée
Rosalie Forgues Rosalie Forgues
Sylvie Fréchet Sylvie Fréchet
Cédric Leblond-Côté Cédric Leblond-Côté
Jocelyne Paradis Jocelyne Paradis
Nicole St-Hilaire Nicole St-Hilaire
Raphaël Samson Raphaël Samson
Business Administration Professor

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.


Martin Châteauneuf Martin Châteauneuf
General Manager
Anne-Sophie Bouchard Boulet Anne-Sophie Bouchard Boulet
General Management Assistant
418-833-5515, ext. 7056262
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Suzie Fournier Suzie Fournier
Member Services and Management, Sales and Governance Support Senior Manager
Jessie Turgeon Jessie Turgeon
Market Development Senior Manager

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Market Development Department

Andréanne Bonneau Andréanne Bonneau
Market Development Manager
Caroline Pelletier Caroline Pelletier
Market Development Manager
Tommy Rhéaume Tommy Rhéaume
Market Development Manager
Annick Vachon Annick Vachon
Market Development Manager

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Member Services and Management, Sales and Governance Support Administrative Department

Nancy Boucher Nancy Boucher
Member/Client Experience and Services Manager
418-833-5515, ext. 7053034
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Guillaume Monfette Guillaume Monfette
Human Resources Manager
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Annie Pellerin Annie Pellerin
Management Support, Communications and Community Involvement Manager

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Business owners and professionals

Philippe Babin Philippe Babin
Personal Finance Advisor
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Ayoub Benmanssour Ayoub Benmanssour
Personal Finance Advisor
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Tracy Cloutier Tracy Cloutier
Personal Finance Advisor
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Guillaume Gardner Guillaume Gardner
Wealth Management Advisor
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Marc-Antoine Lachance Marc-Antoine Lachance
Personal Finance Advisor
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Nancy Roberge Nancy Roberge
Personal Finance Advisor
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Annick Turcotte Annick Turcotte
Wealth Management Advisor
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Sophie Vachon Sophie Vachon
Mortgage Representative
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Young Members Market

We are a team that specializes in serving students and young workers who have plans to carry out and are ready to start building their financial reputation. Besides keeping you informed about the world of finance, we can suggest smart strategies to help you achieve your goals.

Stéphanie Gagnon Stéphanie Gagnon
Personal Finance Advisor
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Clarissa Germany Clarissa Germany
Personal Finance Advisor
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Carole Lemieux Carole Lemieux
Personal Finance Advisor
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David Nadeau David Nadeau
Personal Finance Advisor
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Active Members Market

We are a team that specializes in serving active members who have many plans and are at the saving stage. We can help you achieve your goals, whether you want to purchase a new car, finance your child's education, or simply plan a trip.

Mélanie Belisle Mélanie Belisle
Personal Finance Advisor
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Samuel Bergeron Samuel Bergeron
Personal Finance Advisor
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Xavier Brochu Xavier Brochu
Personal Finance Advisor
Shirley Gosselin Shirley Gosselin
Wealth Management Advisor
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Jenny Kelly Jenny Kelly
Personal Finance Advisor
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Laurent Lambert Vien Laurent Lambert Vien
Personal Finance Advisor
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Sylvain Laurent Sylvain Laurent
Personal Finance Advisor
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Laurence Lechasseur-Grégoire Laurence Lechasseur-Grégoire
Personal Finance Advisor
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Alexandre Leclerc Alexandre Leclerc
Wealth Management Advisor
Pierre-Olivier Nadeau Pierre-Olivier Nadeau
Personal Finance Advisor
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Sylvie Nolin Sylvie Nolin
Personal Finance Advisor
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Daphnée Prévost Daphnée Prévost
Wealth Management Advisor
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Audrey-Maude Thibault Audrey-Maude Thibault
Wealth Management Advisor
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Steven Vallauri Steven Vallauri
Wealth Management Advisor
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Pre-Retirement Members Market

We are a team that specializes in serving members who are planning their retirement and who wish to maintain their current quality of life at retirement. You are at a stage where you need careful financial planning to carry out your plans. We are qualified to advise and guide you through this important step of your life, ensuring your peace of mind.

Jean-Michel Asselin Jean-Michel Asselin
Wealth Management Advisor
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Charles-Antoine Baillargeon Charles-Antoine Baillargeon
Wealth Management Advisor
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Martine Bégin Martine Bégin
Wealth Management Advisor
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Marie-Ève Couture Marie-Ève Couture
Personal Finance Advisor
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Jihen Gharbi Jihen Gharbi
Personal Finance Advisor
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Stéphane Gagné Stéphane Gagné
Wealth Management Advisor
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Éloïse Guillemette Éloïse Guillemette
Wealth Management Advisor
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Amélie Lemieux Amélie Lemieux
Wealth Management Advisor
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Marine Maury Marine Maury
Personal Finance Advisor
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David Paquet David Paquet
Personal Finance Advisor
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Samuel Perreault Samuel Perreault
Personal Finance Advisor
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Rémi Rondeau Rémi Rondeau
Personal Finance Advisor

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Retired Members Market

We are a team that specializes in serving members who have accumulated assets over the course of a lifetime and now want to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Whether you need advice on portfolio diversification, on the disbursement of your investments, on estate planning, or on any other financial issue, we are trained to advise and guide you. Our goal is to help you enjoy your retirement now in complete tranquility.

Philippe Audet Philippe Audet
Personal Finance Advisor
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Ève Bernier Ève Bernier
Personal Finance Advisor
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Laurence Boily Laurence Boily
Wealth Management Advisor
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Kim Bruneau-Gagnon Kim Bruneau-Gagnon
Wealth Management Advisor
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Nancy Charest Nancy Charest
Wealth Management Advisor
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Isabelle Couillard Isabelle Couillard
Personal Finance Advisor
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Kathleen Duchesneau-Chouinard Kathleen Duchesneau-Chouinard
Personal Finance Advisor
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Francis Desmeules Francis Desmeules
Wealth Management Advisor
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Justin Gélinas Justin Gélinas
Wealth Management Advisor
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Annabelle Guimont Annabelle Guimont
Personal Finance Advisor
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Amir Hadzic Amir Hadzic
Wealth Management Advisor
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Caroline Lavoie Caroline Lavoie
Wealth Management Advisor
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Jean-Philippe Lessard Jean-Philippe Lessard
Wealth Management Advisor
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Hamza Mahassin Hamza Mahassin
Personal Finance Advisor
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Jean-Philippe Pelletier Jean-Philippe Pelletier
Wealth Management Advisor
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Isabelle Proulx Isabelle Proulx
Wealth Management Advisor
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Marie-Christine Proulx Marie-Christine Proulx
Personal Finance Advisor
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Marc-André Riendeau Marc-André Riendeau
Personal Finance Advisor
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Martin Tardif Martin Tardif
Wealth Management Advisor
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Audrey Turcotte Audrey Turcotte
Wealth Management Advisor
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Olivier Turgeon Olivier Turgeon
Wealth Management Advisor
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Mathieu Vigneault-Ratté Mathieu Vigneault-Ratté
Wealth Management Advisor
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Étienne Vigneault Étienne Vigneault
Wealth Management Advisor
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Financial Services Agents - Clientele

Caroline Beaulieu Caroline Beaulieu
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Guylaine Bergeron Guylaine Bergeron
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
Maude Bernier Maude Bernier
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Samuel Bernier Samuel Bernier
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Thomas Boulet Thomas Boulet
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
Chantal Brie Chantal Brie
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Félix Caya Félix Caya
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
Émilie Fraysse Émilie Fraysse
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Mylène Godbout Mylène Godbout
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Ginette Joubert Ginette Joubert
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Amina Kouva Amina Kouva
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Justine Laflamme-Boutin Justine Laflamme-Boutin
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Céline Leuillier Céline Leuillier
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Gabriel Pruneau-Gosselin Gabriel Pruneau-Gosselin
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Emmanuel Jedidja Windbenedo Yameogo Emmanuel Jedidja Windbenedo Yameogo
Financial Services Agent – Clientele

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Advisors – Salesforce Professional Development

Julie Lajoie Julie Lajoie
Salesforce Professional Development Advisor
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Member/Client Experience and Services

Amélie Bédard-Delisle Amélie Bédard-Delisle
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Magalie Bégin Magalie Bégin
Member/Client Experience Advisory
Naomie Belanger Naomie Belanger
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Marie-Christine Bradet Marie-Christine Bradet
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Jérémie Carbonneau Jérémie Carbonneau
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Mélody Côté Mélody Côté
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Charles DeBlois Charles DeBlois
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Marc-Antoine Dubé Marc-Antoine Dubé
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Genevieve Fournier Genevieve Fournier
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Thomas Godbout Thomas Godbout
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Diane Guimont Diane Guimont
Member Services Coordinator
Aissatou Konte Aissatou Konte
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Zlandoh-Mic Kponhon Zlandoh-Mic Kponhon
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Joannie Lachance Joannie Lachance
Member Services Team Leader
Thomas Lapointe Thomas Lapointe
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Suzie Lavoie Suzie Lavoie
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Angeline Palfray-Brimboeuf Angeline Palfray-Brimboeuf
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent – Office
Bryan Pelletier Bryan Pelletier
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent – Office
Diane-Julie Potvin Diane-Julie Potvin
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Lucie Poulin Lucie Poulin
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Mathys Prévost Mathys Prévost
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Patricia Robert Patricia Robert
Ludivine Sicard Ludivine Sicard
Line Simard Line Simard
Alexandra Sylvain Alexandra Sylvain
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Anne Therrien Anne Therrien
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent – Office
Meggie Trottier Meggie Trottier
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent – Office
Mouna Zioudi Mouna Zioudi
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Valérie Brousseau Valérie Brousseau
Communications Advisor
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Human Resources Department

Sara-Maude Labbé Sara-Maude Labbé
Communications and Human Resources Technician
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Our Desjardins partners

Gabriella Amoussou Gabriella Amoussou
Financial Security Advisor
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Dominic Guay Dominic Guay
Mortgage Representative
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Catherine Marois Catherine Marois
Property and Casualty Insurance Agent – Sales and Business Development
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Aimable Munyurangabo Aimable Munyurangabo
Financial Security Advisor, Specialized Offer
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Jessica Perreault Jessica Perreault
Mortgage Representative
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Daniel Raymond Daniel Raymond
Mortgage Development Manager – Builders
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Isabelle St-Hilaire Isabelle St-Hilaire
Financial Security Advisor
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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.