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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Bellechasse > Financial guidance

Financial guidance

Through our cooperative difference and partnerships with local organizations, we're proud to offer financial solutions that support individuals and their plans for the future. It's a way of contributing to the community's vitality and economy. The 3 products on offer are:

Desjardins Mutual Assistance Fund

The program provides people in financial difficulty or who have unexpected, urgent expenses, with:

  • Free budget counselling
  • Loans with payment terms adapted to their financial capacity, subject to certain conditions

Learn more about the Desjardins Mutual Assistance Fund

Desjardins Microcredit to Businesses

We help entrepreneurs looking for guidance and funding.

The program supports self-employed workers and entrepreneurs 18 and over by providing:

  • Access to financing
  • Technical support
  • Personalized advice

Learn more about the Microcredit to Businesses program

Créavenir Youth Entrepreneurship Program

We help entrepreneurs ages 18 to 39 who have trouble securing financing.

Whether they want to start a business or have a business that's less than 3 years old, we provide:

  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Financial aid in the form of loans and grants

Learn more about Créavenir