Group insurance - health and wellness in the workplace
Offer your employees a group insurance plan that's tailored to their needs
Taking care of employees means offering them a healthy workplace and taking steps to promote their health and well-being.
By setting up a group insurance plan External link. Opens in a new window. for your employees, you ensure their financial security by helping them cope with life's unexpected events.
But to really take care of them, you should also offer them means of preventing health problems. And, when employees go through difficult times, intervention programs could also help them return to work faster and under the best possible conditions.
Our group insurance plans can include an employee health and wellness program, as well as prevention and intervention services.
Prevention: a proactive approach to health
Your group insurance plan can include services that help plan members stay physically and mentally fit. Here are a few services aimed at prevention that we recommend you include in your plan:
Employee assistance program
Confidential psychosocial intervention program for plan members and their immediate families
Prevention tools for managers
To help your managers respond quickly and appropriately when they recognize one of their employees is having difficulties
Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Program
Service that automatically screens every prescription, regardless of the pharmacy where it is filled, for potential problems such as drug-to-drug interactions, duplicate therapies and medications, and early refills
Health Assistance Service
Telephone assistance service to answer plan members' questions on any health-related matters
Health is Cool 360° platform
A website where plan members can get information and advice on a variety of workplace health and wellness issues
Intervention: when it matters most
Some work absences are unavoidable. Others can be prevented or shortened with timely intervention. Here are some of the services available to employers:
Disability Management Program
Some work absences require disability case management experts to develop a customized intervention plan to help the employee return to work
Convalescent Care Coverage
To provide homecare services to members who need to recuperate following hospitalization
Healthy employees = healthy company
Controlling operating costs is an ongoing concern to you. Employee benefits represent a significant portion of these costs, and they are always on the rise for various reasons: the growing cost of prescription drugs, government withdrawal from programs, the aging population, and the ever-increasing number of disability cases.
One way to keep these costs under control is by offering a healthy workplace and impressing upon your employees the importance of taking control of their health.
Workplace wellness helps decrease absenteeism rates and employee turnover. It can also significantly improve employee productivity. Wellness is generally a factor in employee engagement and job satisfaction.
Taking care of your employees may therefore have a direct impact on your company's bottom line.