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Personal finance

From Madagascar to Quebec: Sedera's Odyssey

July 6, 2022

Concerned by the growing insecurity in Madagascar, Sedera and his wife dreamed of a better life and, above all, a quality education for their 2 children. Here’s how, with courage and determination, this father was able to offer the greatest gift of all: a fresh start in Quebec. This is his story.

For the love of his children

Like any good father, Sedera wants what’s best for his children and his wife. Even if that means leaving his native country behind. He considers Canada as the promised land he’s looking for—a welcoming environment renowned for its quality of life, work-life balance and access to education.

When a recruiter offered Sedera a position as a developer analyst, Sedera devised a plan to make his wish come true. He flew alone to the province of Quebec and, thanks to his new job, saved enough money to take his entire family there.

Tip: Open your account remotely

Do like Sedera, who opened his account with Desjardins remotely before he left. You’ll get plenty of tools, advice and especially, a distinctive support to facilitate your arrival in the country.

Open an account in Canada

An unexpected kindness

There is good reason to be nervous: This is the first time that Sedera has flown beyond Madagascar’s borders. When his plane landed in Montreal in June 2021, the man found himself alone and somewhat distraught in a big city where he didn’t know anyone. What should he do? Where should he take the bus? He was amazed at how easy it was for him to get answers and help from complete strangers. All this, in a good mood and with a smile.

It was amazing to me that when I asked for something, someone was always ready to guide me to the right person or the right place. 


Discovering the city

At the end of his quarantine at the hotel, Sedera moved to Quebec City with a roommate. He quickly befriended her, and the latter ensured to keep the newcomer busy. “My roommate planned basketball sessions and happy hours with friends, she rented a car to take me sightseeing — she didn’t want me to feel lonely until my family joined me,” says Sedera.

An equally warm welcome awaited him at his workplace. Barely a week into his new position, he received a spontaneous invitation from his manager to explore Old Quebec with him. For the whole day, she proudly shows him the attractions and good locations of his new city.

How to get ahead of the schedule?

Although Sedera is happy in Quebec, he was worried about his family. He regularly called his wife and looked forward to have them around. According to his calculations, he would have to save another 6 to 7 months to pay for the 3 desired plane tickets—an unbearable wait.

He was looking for a way for his family to join him in Canada faster. That’s when his employer suggested that he obtain financing from Desjardins.

Sedera had only been in his position for a few months and has no credit history, which complicates his case. But a Desjardins manager saw beyond the numbers. She recognized the face of a determined man, ready to do anything for the happiness of his family, who has crossed the ocean to improve his living conditions. Showing initiative, she developed a proposal related to the duration of the newcomer’s work permit. It was accepted.

Two days later, the money was deposited in my account and I was able to buy all 3 airline tickets. My family arrived 3 weeks later. We were finally together.


Tip: Build your credit history

Finding a suitable apartment for the whole family can sometimes be a challenge because of the credit check landlords may require. With the Welcome Offer for Newcomers, you can choose one of our credit cards, including some with no annual fees1, to use wisely to build your credit rating.

Learn more about the Welcome Offer for Newcomers

Living as a family in Quebec

Sedera and his small family were reunited in the fall, and it didn’t take long to find their bearings. His wife quickly found a job. His children have a very different start to the school year than in their native country.

Even the harsh Quebec winters — which worried them somewhat — turned out to be a source of pleasure. “We love it!” says Sedera. Maybe the Christmas carols and decorations around town helped, but we got a taste for it. ”

Sedera wanted to provide the best possible future for his children. During the pandemic, when education went virtual and continues with the school’s material support, Sedera knows he made the right choice. They feel supported and reassured.

His mission is accomplished: His family is reunited and they enjoy life in Quebec.

Count on Desjardins to facilitate your integration into Canada. We are your ally in carrying out your plans and those of your family.

Description Transcript
Sedera réussit à faire venir sa famille de Madagascar | Nouveaux arrivants (French only)

1 m 33 s

Venu seul de Madagascar, Sedera profite de l’accompagnement et des conseils personnalisés de Desjardins pour les nouveaux arrivants. Sa femme et ses enfants pourront ainsi le rejoindre rapidement au Canada afin de vivre avec lui ce nouveau départ.

Sedera réussit à faire venir sa famille de Madagascar | Nouveaux arrivants

Note : Les informations placées entre crochets décrivent le contenu visuel et audio de la vidéo autre que le dialogue ou la narration.

[Texte à l’écran : Une arrivée réussie, ça n’arrive pas tout seul.]

[Une partie du logo de Desjardins s’affiche à l’écran.]

[Attablés à la cuisine, un homme, une femme, leur jeune garçon et leur fillette mangent ensemble.]

Homme : “Si je suis arrivé au Canada, c’est pour mes enfants.”

[L’été, l’homme et ses enfants s’amusent dans l’aire de jeux d’un parc. L’homme pose un baiser sur la joue de son fils. Sa fillette se balance sur une balançoire. L’homme déplie une photo de famille. Sur celle-ci, on le voit avec sa femme et leurs deux enfants.]

Homme : “Ma femme et moi, on vient de Madagascar. On a vécu dans l’insécurité toute notre vie. Et lorsqu’on a eu nos deux enfants, on a décidé d’aller vivre ailleurs. De vivre au Canada.”

[Dans la cuisine, l’homme et sa femme préparent les lunchs des enfants. La fillette regarde dans son sac à dos et le garçon enfile une veste sans manche par-dessus son chandail à capuchon jaune. La mère serre son fils contre elle.]

[Lors d’une journée ensoleillée, l’homme marche dans la ville de Québec. Accrochés à la façade d’un immeuble, des drapeaux du Québec flottent au vent. Une fontaine jaillit en jets d’eau. L’homme se tient devant le Château Frontenac.]

Homme : “Je suis arrivé seul pour préparer un peu le terrain et pour pouvoir récolter assez d’argent pour les faire venir ici.”

[Assis sur un banc de la Terrasse Dufferin, l’homme rit et discute avec un autre homme. De vieux canons sont alignés le long de la terrasse.]

Homme : “J’en reviens pas de l’accueil que j’ai eu des Québécois. Ça faisait une semaine que je travaillais et ma gestionnaire m’a fait visiter la ville.”

[L’homme admire le fleuve Saint-Laurent du haut du belvédère. Il regarde à l’horizon, le visage sérieux.]

Homme : “Mais pendant que je vivais un rêve ici, c’était plus difficile pour ma femme et mes enfants.”

[Chez lui, l’homme est assis sur le divan. Il regarde des lettres.]

Homme : “Je voulais les faire arriver plus vite mais je n’avais pas assez d’argent.”

[L’homme est appuyé contre la balustrade de la terrasse. Faisant face au fleuve, il regarde au loin.]

Homme : “J’en ai parlé à ma conseillère chez Desjardins. Elle m’a proposé de faire un emprunt selon mes besoins.”

[Le sourire aux lèvres, l’homme s’amuse avec ses enfants dans l’aire de jeux du parc.]

Homme : “Quelques jours plus tard, j’achetais les billets, et après 3 semaines, ils étaient enfin là.”

[L’homme et sa femme s’embrassent tendrement. L’homme salue ses enfants qui courent vers leur école, munis de leurs sacs à dos.]

Homme : “Je me souviendrai toute ma vie du jour où mes enfants ont intégré l’école ici.”

[Assis face à face à la table de la cuisine, l’homme et sa femme se sourient.]

Homme : “On était tellement heureux avec ma femme. On s’est dit: “Mission accomplie.”

[Attablés à la cuisine, le père, la mère et leurs enfants mangent ensemble.]

Narratrice : “Profitez d’un accompagnement personnalisé à chaque étape de votre projet d’arrivée.”

[Sur un fond vert, un hexagone blanc se dessine à côté du mot “Desjardins”.]

[Logo de Desjardins]

[Ritournelle de Desjardins]


  1. Credit cards are issued and credit limits are set based on the applicant’s credit risk. Contact an advisor to confirm your eligibility for this offer. Some restrictions apply.