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Economic News

Canada: April Retail Showers Don’t Bring May Retail Flowers

June 21, 2024
Florence Jean-Jacobs
Principal Economist


  • Canadian retail sales grew by 0.7% m/m in April, ending a streak of three consecutive monthly declines. This is in line with Statistics Canada’s earlier flash estimate and the consensus of economic forecasters. The table below summarizes key data points.
  • Core retail sales, which exclude motor vehicle and parts as well as gasoline retailers, were particularly robust, up 1.4%, on the strength of food and beverage sales (+1.9%).
  • Weak motor vehicle sales (-2.2%) were offset by higher spending at gas stations (+4.5%). Both gas prices and volumes increased.
  • In volumes terms, retail sales picked up, rising by 0.5%, the largest increase since December of last year (graph 1).
  • Retail sales were up in most provinces, led by Alberta. However, Ontario saw its fourth consecutive monthly decline and the largest drop since May 2023.
  • Putting a damper on these results: April’s gains could be mostly erased in May, since Statistics Canada’s flash estimate for May nominal retail sales points to a 0.6% monthly decline.  


The return to positive retail sales growth is a welcome evolution after a downbeat first quarter. The rebound in core is particularly encouraging, with sales picking up in grocery stores as well as in more discretionary spending categories like clothing, sporting goods, and miscellaneous retailers.

The Canadian economy is turning the corner from its lacklustre performance at the end of last year. After today’s release, we are tracking real GDP growth of about 1.75% in Q2, similar to the first quarter and slightly above the Bank of Canada’s projection of 1.5% (see our latest Economic and Financial Outlook External link.). Further cuts to the policy rate should bring relief to households and help stimulate retail sales in the coming months—albeit with headwinds from shelter costs moderating demand.

There may still be bumps in the road, as May’s negative flash estimate suggests. Moreover, with population continuing to grow at record speed, real retail sales per capita are still softening (graph 2). A planned reduction on admissions of non-permanent residents could push per capita consumption higher in the coming quarters and years, particularly when combined with lower borrowing costs.

Overall, unless there is a major surprise in May’s CPI next week, we still expect the Bank of Canada to proceed with a second cut to the overnight rate in July.


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