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Alberta budget

Alberta: Budget 2024 - Investing in the Future

February 29, 2024
Marc Desormeaux, Principal Economist • Kari Norman, Economist

Alberta’s fiscal year 2024–25 (FY2025) budget continued to pencil in surpluses for the foreseeable future, though these were smaller than in the last two updates.

Base case budget balance and debt projections set Alberta up to maintain arguably the strongest financial position of any province.

Fiscal sensitivity to crude values remains historically high and could increase over time, but the province built in significant prudence via bigger contingencies and very conservative oil price forecasts.

Although population growth forecasts were again increased, spending restraint remains in place. Operating expenditures are set to decline in real per capita terms over the forecast horizon.

The province will invest an additional $2B back into the Heritage Fund in FY2025 as part of long-run efforts to build intergenerational wealth. This will be sourced from cash already set aside in the Alberta Fund, with a longer-term plan to be released later this year.

The province now expects to borrow $13.8B in FY2024, $19.8B in FY2025, and $4.4B in FY2026, respective modifications of +$7B, +$14B, and -$11B versus Budget 2023 plans. The profile shift reflects pre-borrowing activity intended to repay debt maturing in 2025.

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