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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins Pierre-Le Gardeur > Our team

Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Émilie Coallier Émilie Coallier
Chair and Member of the Executive Committee
McDonald's Restaurants Manager
Emily Plaisance Emily Plaisance
Vice-Chair and Member of the Executive Committee
Training and Organization Development Advisor
Caroline Venne Caroline Venne
Secreatary and Member of the Executive Committee
Sales Manager
Geneviève Beaucage Geneviève Beaucage
Director and Member of the Executive Committee
General Manager
Ginette Bronsard Ginette Bronsard
Administrative Coordinator
Émilie Devo Émilie Devo
Information Clerk, MESST
Antoine Dufour Antoine Dufour
Assistant Comptroller
Benoit Leblanc Benoit Leblanc
Nicole Lemay Nicole Lemay
Financial Resources Manager
Yazid Sehabi Yazid Sehabi
Contract Management Advisor
Émilie Thibault Émilie Thibault
Engineering and Information Management Specialist

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

Executive Committee

Patrick Gravel Patrick Gravel, LLL, LLB, MBA
General Manager
450-585-5555, ext. 7202222
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Nancy Lévesque Nancy Lévesque, BSc.
Senior Market Development and Member Services Manager
450-585-5555, ext. 7202106
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François Cardin François Cardin, BBA
Market Development Manager
450-585-5555, ext. 7202327
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Martin Prémont Martin Prémont, BBA
General Management and Operations Support Assistant Manager
450-585-5555, ext. 7202527
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Michel Corbeil Michel Corbeil
Business Development Support Assistant Manager
450-585-5555, ext. 7202950
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Nicolas Desnoyers-Rivest Nicolas Desnoyers-Rivest, BBA, MSc
Market Development Manager
450-585-5555, ext. 7202915
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André-Anne Dubeau André-Anne Dubeau, BBA
Member Services Manager
450-585-5555, ext. 7202294
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Nathalie Pelletier Nathalie Pelletier, BBA
Market Development Manager
450-585-5555, ext. 7202701
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Joanie Petitclerc Joanie Petitclerc, BAA
Market Development Manager
450-585-5555, ext. 7202208
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Management Committee

Kevin Fafard Kevin Fafard, BBA
General Management and Operations Support Team Leader
450-585-5555, ext. 7202514
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Alexandra Girouard Alexandra Girouard, BBA
Member Services Team Leader
450-585-5555, ext. 7202515
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Simon Martineau Simon Martineau, BBA
Sales Support Team Leader
450-585-5555, ext. 7202244
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Patrik Pothier Patrik Pothier, BBA
Market Development Team Leader
450-585-5555, ext. 7202039
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James Riley James Riley
Sales Support Team Leader
450-585-5555, ext. 7202170
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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.