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Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Jean-Marc Brodeur Jean-Marc Brodeur
Marie-Ève Gadbois Marie-Ève Gadbois
Education Professional
Pierre-Luc Désilets Pierre-Luc Désilets, PhD, MBA, ASC, CPHR
Chartered Human Resources Advisor
Philippe Beauchamp Prud'homme Philippe Beauchamp Prud'homme
Communication Marketing Student
Mélanie Cabot-Blondin Mélanie Cabot-Blondin
Technical Patent Advisor
Maria Riccio Maria Riccio
André Ethier André Ethier
Patrick Fortin Patrick Fortin
Trade Contractor
Emmanuelle Legendre Emmanuelle Legendre
Risk Management Advisor
Julien Michaud Julien Michaud
Natacha Ho Papieau Natacha Ho Papieau
Student (Economics)
Daniel Dagenais Daniel Dagenais
Certified Real Estate Broker
Yvan Landry Yvan Landry
Alizée Vautrin Alizée Vautrin

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

General Management

Richard Georges Richard Georges, MBA
General Manager

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Talent, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion Management

Ingrid Courtois Ingrid Courtois, CRHA
Talent, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion Manager
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Development and Execution – Strategic Management

Jonathan Léveillé Jonathan Léveillé, BBA, F.Pl.
General Management Support Manager
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Youssef Lachhab Youssef Lachhab, B.A.A., DESS
Risk, Compliance and Information Security Practice Leader
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Member Experience and Corporate Services Management

Julien-Raphaël Leblanc Julien-Raphaël Leblanc, BBA
Member Experience and Corporate Services Manager
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Tania Rousseau Tania Rousseau
Member Experience Assistant Manager
514-388-3434, ext. 7114013
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Virginie Séguier Virginie Séguier
Member Experience Assistant Manager
514-388-3434, ext. 7114459
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Manon Tessier Manon Tessier
Corporate Services Assistant Manager

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Market Development Management

Alimou Bah Alimou Bah, M. Sc., DESS
Market Development Manager and Practice Leader – Credit
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Audrey Jobin Audrey Jobin
Market Development Manager
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Karine Bourguignon-Cyr Karine Bourguignon-Cyr
Market Development Manager
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Nabil Mohamed Abrous Nabil Mohamed Abrous, BA, DESS
Market Development Director
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Sales Support Management

Denis Rousseau Denis Rousseau
Sales Support Manager
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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Fund Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.