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Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Johanne Tremblay Johanne Tremblay
Martin Thiboutot Martin Thiboutot
André Rousseau André Rousseau, LL.L., B.A.
Habib Abi Khalil Habib Abi Khalil
Antoine Audet Antoine Audet
Director of Business Development
Yasmine Beninal Yasmine Beninal
Talent Manager
Nathalie Bertrand Nathalie Bertrand
Delivery Manager
Geneviève Brousseau Geneviève Brousseau, CPA
Senior Manager
Léo Le Stum-Boivin Léo Le Stum-Boivin
Mathieu Lecapitaine Mathieu Lecapitaine
Cynthia Moreau Cynthia Moreau
Louis Plante Louis Plante
Jean Valiquette Jean Valiquette
Berchnaude Vernet Berchnaude Vernet

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

Management Team

Debbie Abel Debbie Abel
General Manager
514-728-4531, ext. 7282222
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Stephanie Dufour Stephanie Dufour
Market Development Manager (Entering the Financial World)
514-728-4531, ext. 7282429
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Chedly Harmel Chedly Harmel
Market Development Manager (Pre-retirement)
514-728-4531, ext. 7282334
Kim Landry Kim Landry
Member Services and Sales Support Assistant Manager
514-728-4531, ext. 7282251
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Julie Maille Julie Maille
Sales Support Manager
514-728-4531, ext. 7130323
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Management Support

Isabelle Després Isabelle Després
General Management Assistant
514-728-4531, ext. 7282355
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Philippe St-Cyr Philippe St-Cyr
Communications Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7282426
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Alisson Larralde-Gasanol, CPHR
Human Resources Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130252
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Entering the financial world

Our dynamic team of specialists can offer effective financial strategies that reflect the situations of members who are just stepping into the financial world.

Lucas Courteaux
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130342
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Kevin Pikazio
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130399
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Working life

Our team of professionals fully understands the needs of young families and working members .and can offer them effective strategies so they can achieve their financial goals and look forward to a promising future.

Karim Dahmani
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130237
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Angelina Fernandes
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130370
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Evelyn Huertas
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130347
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Hatem Kattou
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130396
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Fo-Edoh Occansey
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130241
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Mickael Quiles
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7282456
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Mandy Isabelle Rols
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130354
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Doussou Sidibe
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130350
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Mohamed Soualah
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7282456
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Anthony Therien
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130349
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As professionals and workers approach their fifties, they have fewer financial commitments and are already thinking about a comfortable retirement filled with new projects. Our experienced specialists can offer winning strategies to achieve retirement goals.

Solange Agbadje
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130358
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David Arbour
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130356
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Aymen Ben Khayatia
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130204
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Benoit Campeau-Hunziker
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7282378
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Mansoib Cheik Ahmed
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130229
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Ghada Khochtali
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130330
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Abed Mlika
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7282221
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Loubna Nejjar
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7282335
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Our team of experienced specialists can offer effective strategies for managing retirement income so that with retirement comes with peace of mind.

Thierno Bah
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130238
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Simon Beauchamp
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7282227
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Chantal Carpentier
Personal Finance Advisor
514-376-7777, ext. 7130241
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Ghislaine Lahaise
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7282231
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Nabila Nouadria
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7282299
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Mohamed Sidime
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130338
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Rokia Traoré
Personal Finance Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7130239
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Business owners and professionals

Entrepreneurs and business professionals need to juggle their personal and professional goals on a daily basis. Our specialized advisors work closely with Desjardins Business account managers to provide tailor-made support, helping you reach your objectives in all areas of your life.

Nour Ben Ayed
Wealth Management Advisor
514-728-4531, ext. 7282335
Contact by email This link will open in a new window

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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.