Borrowing money from the government

Applying for financial assistance from the government is simple, but you have to take the time to do it properly.

Where do I apply?

First, you have to apply for financial assistance from the Quebec government's Aide financière aux études (AFE).

Where do I get the form?

Why apply online?

  • The form adapts to your profile. You only fill in the pages that apply to you.
  • Your personal information is transmitted securely.
  • At the end, you'll be told which documents to provide, depending on your situation. You can upload them directly into your online file.

Among other things, you'll need to provide:

  • your permanent code
  • information on your program of study
  • the name of your academic institution
  • your marital status (married, single, dependent children, etc.)
  • the terms during which you are or will be a full-time student

When do you need to send in your application?

You have up to 60 days after the end of the school year to file for financial assistance.

Make sure you fill out the form properly and provide all the documents required according to your situation. Forgetting or neglecting to include something could cause delays in processing your file and you may end up receiving your financial aid later than expected.

What are your parents' obligations?

The Civil Code states that parents have obligations toward their children, including participating financially in their education. To find out in which situations your parents are not required to contribute, see sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the Student Financial Assistance booklet or go to Ministère's website - External link..

Your parents also have to fill out a declaration1 listing and describing the family's financial resources and situation, to enable the AFE to establish the parent's contribution. Regardless of whether they use the paper or online version, parents only need to submit one declaration for all their children.

The forms filled out by parents can be submitted separately or with the student's financial assistance application. The information they contain remain confidential and will be used exclusively by the Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur.

How is the financial assistance awarded?

The amount of financial assistance awarded to students is based on:

  • their allowable expenses
  • their own financial contribution toward the cost of their education
  • the contribution from their parents, spouse or sponsor, if applicable

Parental assistance (e.g., money or rent payments) must meet the minimum amount required by the parents according to AFE calculations. This amount is listed on the Financial Assistance Statement received by the student. Parents also receive a confirmation of their contribution.

What are your responsibilities?

Finally, don't forget that as a student, you're fully responsible for your loan, even if your parents fill out a portion of your financial assistance application.

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