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Car Freezing: What to do When Frost Forms on the Inside

February 8, 2018

When the forecast calls for sub-zero temperatures, your car can experience numerous different issues such as a dead battery, deflated tire pressure and frost build-up on the inside of your car windows.

If you wake up in the morning and find frost on the inside of your car’s windows – don’t panic. There are nifty and quick solutions you can try.

How does frost form on the inside of a car?

Extreme cold temperatures can cause ice and fog to form on the inside of car windows when the moisture in the car evaporates, condenses on the glass and freezes. Other explanations can be from warm air being exhaled by car passengers, and any melting snow brought into the vehicle from boots and winter jackets. When the excessive moisture melts, it can fill the air in your vehicle and create frost overnight. If you notice interior frost multiple times a week, it might be a good idea to have a certified mechanic look at your vehicle to look for any leaks which could be letting in more moisture.

Warming the car up

It’s a classic solution for a reason. Turn the heater up to high, allowing your car to warm up for several minutes. During this time, the ice will melt. Once it’s dissipated quite a bit, you can wipe off the condensation using a dry cloth. After it’s been wiped down, turn the air conditioner on for a few minutes to remove any remaining fog.

Heat up a cloth

This is a helpful and quick method. If you heat up a dry cloth or use a hand warmer. Just be sure to apply pressure gently to avoid cracking the glass. Make sure the cloth isn’t wet either as it will make cleaning up the internal icing worse.

Silica gel packets

You know those silica gel packets you find in new shoeboxes and purses? Well, don’t throw them out. These packets actually absorb moisture. You can leave them in your car overnight or put some under your car’s windshield to prevent defrosting. Do keep silica gel packets away from small children and pets as they are toxic.

How to prevent any frost from forming:

To stop any internal car freezing from happening, you need to get rid of any excess humidity. There are a few options to do this such as, leaving your car window slightly open to allow any remaining water vapour to leave and removing wet floor mats from your car each night. Another good prevention technique is to clean your car’s windshield almost regularly. If you remove any tiny dirt particles from the window glass, it should help minimize any frost from forming.

These tips are provided for information and prevention purposes only. They are general in nature, and Desjardins Insurance cannot be held liable for them. We recommend using caution and consulting an expert for comprehensive, tailored advice.

In Quebec, Desjardins Insurance refers to Desjardins General Insurance Inc. In Ontario and Alberta, Desjardins Insurance refers to Certas Direct Insurance Company, underwriter of automobile and property insurance.