- François Dupuis, Vice-President and Chief Economist • Joëlle Noreau, Senior Economist
The recycling industry A world to discover, a drive to build the future
Looking into recycling in Quebec leads to one discovery after another. For neophytes, recycling is about selective curbside collection at homes, at workplaces and in public spaces. This aspect of recycling could be called the “tip of the iceberg,” the part that can be seen. Many actions and concerns are allied with this activity; less apparent, they are the part of the iceberg that can’t be seen. Gauging the size of the industry is a challenge, although some of its operations can be measured. However, one thing that is very obvious is the drive inherent in those working in the sector. Their efforts deal with recovery, as well as with reduction at source, ecodesign, changing mindsets and research to find uses for what is now considered waste.
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