- François Dupuis, Vice-President and Chief Economist
Mathieu D’Anjou, Deputy Chief Economist • Joëlle Noreau, Senior Economist
The Packaging Industry: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
September 16, 2019
Packaging is everywhere. It’s used for food, medications, personal care and grooming products, mail packages, ready-to-cook and fast-food meals, toys and hazardous products, to name but a few. We love and hate it at the same time. Designed to protect, it’s quickly become a burden and source of pollution criticized by one and all. The packaging industry is truly caught between a rock and a hard place. It has to continue to play its role, but differently. It has a lot of work to do: it has to invest, and the pressure is enormous. On the one hand, it needs to act quickly due to the ban of some products (especially plastic-based) in the near future. On the other hand, it’s highly visible, and its successes and failures will be under scrutiny.