François Dupuis, Vice-President and Chief Economist
Mathieu D’Anjou, Deputy Chief Economist • Joëlle Noreau, Senior Economist
From One Generation of Young Quebecers to Another (Part 2)
In the Part 1 of this Economic Viewpoint, we saw that, from the Baby Boomers to the Gen Zs, the successive generations of Quebec youth finished school and entered adult life in economic, political and social contexts that differed in many respects.The following pages examine how, for them, these environments were expressed in terms of living conditions and lifestyles. At one point or another, each generation was able to benefit from progress in various areas. In that, it reaped the harvest that previous generations had sown, like a baton being passed in a relay race. However, each generation also made its own contribution: over the decades, participation and employment rates have increased among youth, and young women’s participation in economic life has become increasingly important and recognized.
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