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International development

Finally, field training sessions for the PROFEM project!

September 3, 2021

After a year of preparation and planning, PROFEM project team members were able to go to the field in May, June and July to meet rural women and young people and refine the financial literacy programs developed during the previous months. The team also met partner financial institutions with a view to adapting their products and services to the needs of the target populations.

Two training programs were rolled out under the project's financial literacy component, the first of which is a blended financial education program (combining virtual and in-person training) offered in partnership with Colombia's ministry of agriculture. Over 6,000 people have already registered on the online learning platform.

The other financial education program offered through the project is aimed at trainers within partner entities. For example, the EFICACAO program, delivered in partnership with Compañía Nacional de Chocolates, has already had a positive impact on 6 cocoa producer associations in Antioquia and Córdoba.

Sharing knowledge and experiences makes all the difference

As part of the 2 programs, face-to-face meetings were organized in various regions to enrich the knowledge of rural women and young people, and to promote the sharing of experiences among participants.

Furthermore, 4 financial institutions took the time to present their product portfolios to women and young people in Aracataca and Fundación in the department of Magdalena. The Embassy of Canada in Colombia was represented at each of these activities.

"With a wider range of tools at our disposal now, we're ready to move forward with our business projects. Now that we have the required information, we can begin planning, which significantly reduces risks. This training allowed us to believe in ourselves and to grow and help our families," stated Ludys María Bonnet Solano, one of the women who was awarded certification during the last workshop held in Fundación.