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International development

PANSEH: Considerable impact on participating institutions

June 29, 2020

In April 2020, the National Support Program for Organizing Haitian Entrepreneurship (PANSEH) ended after six and a half years of activities and collaboration. PANSEH contributed tangibly to the country’s economic growth by supporting the implementation of a business environment fostering investment, productivity and job creation among Haitian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Here is the testimonial from Prophète Fils-Aimé, Manager of the Société coopérative Lavi Miyò (SOCOLAVIM), a caisse member of the Le Levier network and a PANSEH partner.

"PANSEH had a considerable impact on its various partners and participants. For SOCOLAVIM, PANSEH’s support helped us undertake segmentation of the credit portfolio, thereby contributing to its harmonious development. The new financial products that were developed contributed greatly both to our membership and to the improvement of our credit portfolio. That is the case, for example, for the Konbit Fanm credit, a product solely for women entrepreneurs to support the development of their businesses, which has worked exceptionally well with very low associated risk.

PANSEH has improved the synergy among the caisses and the chambers of commerce, helping the caisses become more knowledgeable about creating business plans. Thanks to this experience, our credit agents improved their skills, they better understand the realities surrounding businesses and are better able to analyze the financing files.

Entrepreneurs really appreciated the project and feel that it has greatly impacted their lives. Many of them renewed their loans with SOCOLAVIM after their first loan. They are also grateful for having had access to business plan training because it helped them think more about their business."