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International development

Financial inclusion and education in support of better nutrition

February 3, 2021

The Integrated Nutrition Project for the Kolda and Kedougou Regions (PINKK) concluded in 2020, exceeding most of the targets.

Launched in 2015 by Nutrition International with funding from Global Affairs Canada, this ambitious project aimed to address the major problem of malnutrition among women and children in Senegal.

The Développement international Desjardins team in Senegal sought to support women entrepreneurs involved in the production and processing of micronutrient-rich foods by offering them a range of financial and support services by:

  • Developing 15 training modules supporting financial education and entrepreneurial capacity building
  • Strengthening the capabilities and service offering of 2 non-financial service providers and 2 financial institutions (training trainers, developing credit products for women, establishing and managing an innovation fund to encourage financial institutions to lend to women entrepreneurs)
  • Connecting women entrepreneurs with financial institutions

At the end of the project, the results spoke for themselves:

  • 7,765 women beneficiaries received a total of 8,640 hours of training (129% of target)
  • 1,074 women who were granted credit received support services (143% of target)
  • 1,172 women beneficiaries were granted 1,758 credit products (117% of target)
  • Total credit of 117.2 million CFA francs was granted, with a zero delinquency rate

By the end of the project, the beneficiaries' behaviours and abilities had changed significantly. Previously perceived as a luxury only for the rich, saving is now a habit among women. They have a better understanding of how financial institutions work, how to make better use of credit, and how they can contribute to the development of their economic activity.

As for the institutions supported under the project, they've acquired new expertise in financial education and business management support, as well as a positive perception of women beneficiaries and the business potential they represent.