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International development

DID joins the Canadian Coalition on Climate Change and Development

November 4, 2020

For several years, DID has been implementing financial inclusion strategies aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change and improving the climate change resiliency of populations in developing countries.

DID believes that, in the face of climate change, access to financial services is essential if it’s achieved in an inclusive, systemic and sustainable manner.

DID relies on 2 main intervention levers: technical assistance, to strengthen the capabilities of institutional stakeholders and target populations, and impact investing, to guide the policies and actions of financial institutions to support the sustainable development of their ecosystem.

To gain insights and expand its impact, DID joined the Canadian Coalition on Climate Change and Development (C4D), a Canadian think tank specializing in the field of international development and the environment. C4D members include the Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC) and several Canadian NGOs.

As a member of C4D, DID will have the opportunity to make its voice heard and influence Canadian orientations on the environment and climate change, share its experiences and reflections with other Coalition members, participate in the group's work and contribute to its communication, representation and awareness-raising activities.