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Economy and entrepreneurship

A circular economy story

September 8, 2021

The linear economic model relies on constant growth and doesn't account for the fact that resources are finite.

The circular economy is a solution for moving us beyond the unsustainable linear model. It improves resource use and maximizes the lifecycle of the products we use and the resources we extract to create them.

A good example of a successful application of a circular economy is Threading Change, a Vancouver-based, youth-led, ethical fashion company founded by Sophia Yang. In this video, she explains how her company is making a difference in the fight against climate change and how everyone can get involved.

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A circular economy with Sophia Yang

2 min 51 s

Sophia Yang, founder and executive director of Threading Change, shares how her company is making a difference in the fight against climate change and how everyday people can get involved in creating a more circular economy.

A circular economy with Sophia Yang

[On-screen text: Tell us about your organization, Threading Change]

Sophia Yang: My name is Sophia Yang. I use she or he pronouns. I am the founder and executive director of Threading Change. Threading change is a play on words about “spreading change,” where each individual fibre and thread within our clothing tells a story. And our mantra is really that our clothing should not really be seen as commodities but rather as stories. We’re a youth-led ethical fashion organization that is working on the intersections of imbedding intersectionality, circularity and equity into the fashion industry. The circular economy is a solution that can be used to solve fast fashion’s problem, and it’s something that Threading Change is actively doing to really imbed consumer education in tandem with industry transformation to help not only consumers but also brands realize how we can all come together and do better. We’re actively contributing to the circular economy in recognizing that we cannot always be pointing out the problems but also showcase the solutions. As a result, we are very proud of one of our premier projects, which is a global innovation story map. The global innovation story map is a visualization platform and mapping toolkit showcasing some of the most exemplary brands in the world that are leading the way in terms of fashion, innovation and also circular economy.

[On-screen text: How would you explain the circular economy?]

The circular economy is a new way that we must look and reimagine our society and our living as a whole. Our current model of make, take, distribute, going to waste in a linear model is one that is not working out for us. We must move to a circular model where materials that are produced are made from previously recycled materials. And that those who are responsible for producing the actual materials are also the ones who know how to take care of them. Circular economy is also one that places emphasis on people before profits: a regenerative economy where communities come together, reimagine what is possible, look at what is possible with all the different types of agriculture and one that young people and also older generations are actively involved in the process.

[On-screen text: How can everyday people play a part in the circular economy?]

Sophia Yang: How we can be a part of the circular economy I think is through three steps. Number one is education. And this could be educating yourself, educating those around you but especially taking the time to learn about what circular economy actually is through different resources. And also to see what other materials have already been put out there. The second step I think we could do is also discussion and tell everyone you know about it. That’s how I became a climate activist discussing about climate change and “global warming” back […] with my friends and neighbours and teachers. And the last part on top of education and discussion is really on the policy side and also on the activism side. I strongly believe that governments and institutions have the ability to mandate better ways that we can have the circular economy not work against us but work with us. It’s time that we put the planet and the people before profits to really make our economy truly a circular one.


To learn more, you can read about Fighting climate change through a circular economy.