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Desjardins Inter­national Develop­ment (DID) projects

We work with partners in developing and emerging countries to provide disadvantaged populations access to financial services that fit their needs. In this way, we promote financial inclusion around the world.

DID projects in Africa

Climate change adaptation for women in protected areas of Congo and Chad (ELLESadAPt)

Congo and Chad

Start date

December 2023

End date 

March 2026

Funding partner

Global Affairs Canada, as part of the Partnering for Climate (P4C) Initiative

Implementation partners



Several local and international organizations

Project description

The ELLESadAPt project aims to enhance the adoption of climate change adaptation solutions for women and ecosystems in the protected areas of Parc National de Conkouati-Douli (PNCD) in the Republic of Congo and Complexe d'Aires Protégées de Binder-Lere (CAPBL) in Chad, while also protecting biodiversity.

Expected results

The project's end beneficiaries will be a total of 2,100 women entrepreneurs, namely, 600 women in Congo's PNCD and 1,500 women in Chad's CAPBL. They will be directly impacted by the project by gaining the resources, skills and support needed to adopt productive nature-based solutions for adapting their natural ecosystem to climate change.

The project will also indirectly impact:

  • Local communities in the PNCD and CAPBL, who will benefit from nature-based solutions and improved ecosystem services in the protected areas
  • Partners working on biodiversity, natural resource management, human rights, financial education, literacy, support services for entrepreneurs and financial services, which will improve the services they offer women clients even after the project ends
  • Public sector entities and their local and regional representatives overseeing work on biodiversity, climate and agriculture, which will leverage the project's outcomes to improve climate resilience in coastal and marine ecosystems and their work with women

In addition, the nature-based solutions implemented by the project will have a direct impact on the resilience of plant and wildlife biodiversity and of ecosystems over the surface area of both parks, which totals 676,405 hectares.

Supporting food security and adaptation to climate change for women cassava growers (Bla ni agba)

Ivory Coast

Start date 

March 2024

End date 

March 2029

Funding partner 

Global Affairs Canada

Implementation partners

Several local organizations

Project description

The Bla ni agba project will help women in the cassava sector to adopt climate-friendly agricultural and food solutions. Among other things, it will offer programs on entrepreneurship and financial education, and work closely with partner financial institutions and local professional agricultural organizations (PAOs) to improve their performance, service offering and capacity to meet the needs of women agro-entrepreneurs.

Expected results

The project will benefit the 1,500 women directly involved, as well as all members of their communities. Its scope will also extend to the project's implementing partners (like financial institutions and professional agricultural organizations) whose capacities will be strengthened in a sustainable manner.

Establishing 2 data centres Ivory Coast and Niger

Ivory Coast and Niger

Start date 

March 2021

End date 

June 2024

Funding partner 

African Development Bank

Project budget 


Project description

This project aims to establish 2 data centres to encourage the use of electronic payment methods and increase the financial inclusion of populations.

It involves working with Senegal's data centre to establish similar centres based on its model, but in Niger and Ivory Coast. This will happen in 2 phases: The first is to complete studies and preliminary analyses; the second, to launch 2 centres in Niger and Ivory Coast. The centres will provide IT services and advice, enabling institutions to automate their operations and provide their clients with new electronic and mobile services.


  • Provide affordable IT services and technical advice to inclusive financial institutions
  • Improve quality of financial information
  • For the financial institutions involved:
    • Improve performance
    • Streamline operations
    • Increase transparency, reliability and security of transactions
    • Offer new payment methods and services to clients

Debt investment to support MSME financing
 Ivory Coast and Niger


Investment year


Supported institution

Premier Credit Kenya (PCK)

Total debt investment 

US$3 million

Project description

Established in 2013, PCK reaches just over 115,000 borrowers through an extensive network of 99 branches and 2,600 employees. With a range of social programs and an ESG policy (covering environmental, social and governance criteria), PCK fills an important gap by offering micro and small businesses financing for working capital or modest investments, which traditional Kenyan banks don't offer.

Debt investment to support financial inclusion of disadvantaged populations


Investment date

June 2023

Supported institution

SIPEM Banque

Total debt investment 

EUR1.5 million

Project description

Since its creation in 1990, SIPEM Banque has been a key player in Madagascar's microfinance sector. The institution currently serves over 46,000 people through 23 branches, 1 business centre and 4 microfinance centres covering most regions of Madagascar. Our investment will help SIPEM reach the most disadvantaged populations in a country where financial inclusion remains very limited: according to the World Bank, only 29% of Malagasy households have access to formal financial services.

Economic and social empowerment of women and young people in Senegal


Start date 


End date 


Funding partner 

Global Affairs Canada

Project description

The goal of the project is to promote gender equality and financial inclusion by helping women and young people access digital services and give women more social and economic power. Over the course of 6.5 years, it will focus on 3 regions in southern Senegal and 2 departments in Dakar.

The project aims to strengthen the economic power of 6,000 young graduates (60% women) and 60,000 women, including 2,000 women business leaders and 58,000 women from village or suburban groups. We estimate that the project will have an indirect impact on 500,000 people.

Strengthening the climatic resilience of mango growers in the Niayes region of Senegal (Jaww Ji Mango Niayes)


Start date 

October 2023

End date 

October 2026

Funding partner 

Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs, as part of the International Climate Cooperation Program (ICCP)

Local partners

Union of Mutual Savings and Credit Mobilization Partnership Associations in Senegal (UM-PAMECAS)

Association of Niayes Market Growers' Unions (AUMN)

Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research (ISRA)

Health and Sustainable Development Training and Research Unit of the Alioune DIOP University in Bambey (UADB)

Project description

The project proposes an approach based on research, needs analysis and the adoption of agroecological and agroforestry practices aimed at sustainable development of the mango value chain. This integrated, low-carbon and financially viable approach will be coordinated by key local stakeholders.

The project will draw on the experience of DID and Laval University, as well as that of several Senegalese partners.

Expected results

  • Increased use of climate-resilient agroecological solutions by mango growers
  • Increased integration of mango growers into the low-carbon value chain, by:
    • Strengthening their capacity to process and market mango products
    • Strengthening their capacity to finance climate-resilient production, processing and marketing practices

The project will directly benefit 300 mango producers over a 3-year period, in addition to having positive impacts for all members of their households.

Mobilization of renewables by women and young entrepreneurs to support sustainable economic empowerment in Senegal (Renouveau FJ)


Start date 

December 2023

End date 

December 2026

Funding partner 

International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

Implementation partners

HEC Montréal's IDEOS Social Impact Hub

Cheick Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD)

National Renewable Energy Agency (ANER)

Other organizations in Senegal

Project description

Renouveau FJ aims to increase the participation of women and young people in renewable energy value chains to accelerate the energy transition in Senegal, as this transition is slow to materialize due to the many barriers that hinder the adoption of clean technologies.

The project aims to raise Senegalese women's and young entrepreneurs' awareness about this issue and to explore solutions to increase their participation in renewable energy value chains. Based on a research-action methodology inspired by collaborations between DID and HEC Montréal's IDEOS Social Impact Hub in several countries, Renouveau FJ will bring together researchers from Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar specializing in entrepreneurship and renewable energy, and work with the national agency for renewables and microfinance institutions in Senegal.

The 3-year project will help strengthen ties between the research and development communities and between Senegal and Canada.

Expected results

  • Improved access to financing for women and young entrepreneurs in renewable energy value chains
  • Increased adoption by women and young entrepreneurs of renewable energy solutions adapted to their needs

Strengthening agropastoral women's adaptation to climate change (ELLES+)


Start date 

March 2024

End date 

March 2029

Funding partner 

Global Affairs Canada

Implementation partners

Several local and international organizations

Project description

This project will be implemented in the Guéra province, which is experiencing the most rapid climate change in the country. Using an approach sensitive to conflict, gender inequality and the environment, the project will strengthen women's capacity to adopt agricultural solutions and build food systems better adapted to the climate.

ELLES+ will support women's associations in strengthening their entrepreneurial capacities and economic autonomy, and will support local financial institutions in developing and offering financial products and services that are better adapted to women's needs and that promote the adoption of agricultural techniques that are more resilient in the face of climate change.

The project will also aim to maximize women's economic contribution to their communities and increase their inclusion in the sphere of agricultural entrepreneurship.

Expected results

The project will have a direct impact on 1,500 women entrepreneurs, 30% of whom are young women under the age of 35, with a particular focus on widows and heads of households, 2 of the most vulnerable categories.

It will also have a positive impact on the economic empowerment, resilience, food security and poverty reduction of all households in the targeted communities.

Financing MSMEs through capital investment Tunisia


Investment date

December 2014

Supported institution

Entrepreneur Financial Centre Tunisia

Total capital investment

CAN$2.5 million

Project description

Entrepreneur Financial Centre (EFC) Tunisia is a microfinance institution that provides financing to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in and around Tunisia's urban areas. We created the centre in 2015 and acted as promoter, investor and operator until December 2019 when we handed over the reins to a local team, marking our fifth and last successful EFC transfer.

EFC Tunisia has a process in place for assessing the social and environmental risk of the projects it finances, as well as an entrepreneur support program. In 2019, the centre also developed an official gender equality approach. It has 13 locations and more than 6,700 clients.

Financing MSMEs through capital investment Zambia


Investment date

January 2008

Supported institution

Entrepreneurs Financial Centre Zambia

Total capital investment

CAN$2.4 million

Project description

Formerly Pulse Financial Services , Limited Entrepreneurs Financial Centre (EFC) Zambia is a microfinance institution established in 2009. Our investment helps them provide financing for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in urban and rural areas of Zambia. We acted as EFC Zambia's promoter, investor and operator for 7 years until 2016, when the institution began operating autonomously under new local management. The institution serves nearly 213,000 companies, 43% of which are led by women, and employs 200 people, more than 54% of whom are women.

Debt investment to support MSME financing


Investment year


Supported institution

FINCA Zambia

Total debt investment

equivalent of US$1 million in local currency

Project description

Founded in 2001, this institution is a subsidiary of the international FINCA group, which brings together some fifteen banks and microfinance institutions worldwide, and whose mission is to reduce poverty by offering innovative financial services to low-income individuals and communities in a profitable and responsible way, so that they can invest in their future. Women make up 61% of FINCA Zambia's customer base and 50% of its Board of Directors.

DID projects in the Americas



Start date

August 2022

End date

August 2027

Source of financing 

Global Affairs Canada

Value of project


Local partners

  • Hábitat para la humanidad en Bolivia
  • Fundación Innovación en Empresariado Social (IES)
  • Instituto de Formación Femenina Integral (IFFI)

Project description

Foster the development of female entrepreneurship by giving women entrepreneurs access to entrepreneurial support services, in order to strengthen their managerial, financial and digital capacities (demand), and increase their access to financial and digital services adapted to their needs (supply). More specifically, the project would mitigate the gender inequalities experienced by women entrepreneurs in urban and peripheral areas in the La Paz region (including El Alto) and the Cochabamba region.

Expected results

The project will directly benefit 1,500 women-led MSMEs and contribute to creating, preserving and improving 7,500 jobs that depend on them. It would also benefit the families of these companies' employees and women leaders.

Anticipated intermediate outcomes: 

  • Strengthening the managerial, financial and digital performance of women entrepreneurs. To contribute to this impact, the project is expected to bring about the following changes: 
    • Increased ability of women to develop their businesses
    • Increased ability of women to make informed financial decisions
    • Increased awareness of gender issues among women entrepreneurs and their families
  • Increased access for women entrepreneurs to financial and digital products and services tailored to their needs. To achieve this, it's expected that the project will lead to the following changes:
    • Increased ability of IFPs to offer products and services that are adapted and sensitive to gender and environmental issues
    • Increased capacity of IFPs to integrate a digital services (DS) offering for women entrepreneurs

Bolstering the economic and social power of women and young people in rural areas (PROFEM) Colombia


With this project, we support the financial inclusion and capacity-building of women and young people living in rural areas in order to help them reach their full potential.

Start date

March 2020

End date

March 2024

Funding partner

Global Affairs Canada

Project budget


Project description

This initiative is focused on giving rural women and young people the opportunity to establish a credit history, gain financial literacy and build confidence so they can complete their personal and business projects.

Through this project we receive training on financial issues. I have found it excellent because the information is very diverse, very easy to understand. They also teach you that you are not alone, that there are more people out there who can support you when you need it. The program enables us to strengthen our capacities, taking advantage of the skills we each have.

Yully Milena Arias

Berry producer and user of the PROFEM project's online training platform

Results as of December 31, 2022

  • 13,304 women and young people have been educated on financial literacy.
  • 9 financial institutions are better prepared to meet the needs of rural women and young people.
  • 13 public and private funding partners have joined.

Financing MSMEs through capital investment Colombia


Start date

July 2019

Supported institution

Crezcamos S.A.

Total capital investment

CAN$3.2 million

Project description

Crezcamos is a Colombian microfinance institution that was established in 2008. It provides financial services for micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) owners and their families, mainly in rural areas. It offers savings and credit solutions for the farming, commerce, services, production and housing sectors, as well as solutions to help clients plan for the future, including insurance products. It has about 1,700 employees and more than 97,500 clients.

Debt investment to help increase access to credit and financial literacy and health services for women entrepreneurs Ecuador


Investment date

May 2012

Supported institution

Fundación ESPOIR

Total debt investment

CAN$1.5 million

Project description

Fundación para el desarollo integral ESPOIR is a foundation based in Quito, Ecuador. Our investment helps them achieve their mission of contributing to the country's economic and social development and improving the health of women micro-entrepreneurs. ESPOIR provides credit products and health and financial literacy services to nearly 550,000 clients, 68% of whom are women.

Debt investment to support access to savings and credit


Investment date

October 2022

Supported institution

COAC 4 de Octubre

Total debt investment

US$1.5 million

Project description

COAC 4 de Octubre is a savings and credit cooperative that offers financial services to its members in Ecuador. It offers savings, credit, and fixed-term products, as well as ATM, debit card and mobile services.

Debt investment to support MSME financing


Investment date

November 2022

Supported institution

FACES Microfinanzas

Total debt investment

US$2 million

Project description

Faces Microfinanzas is a foundation that offers microloans and technical assistance to vulnerable sectors of the population in Ecuador. Its mission is to contribute to the social and economic development of people who are productive and who wish to strengthen their micro-enterprises.

Debt investment to support MSME financing


Investment date

May 2023

Supported institution

COAC Maquita Cushunchic

Total debt investment

US$2 million

Project description

Founded in late 1997 by a group of women, Maquita now has more than 11,000 active members and 6,000 borrowers. The institution operates branches in 2 provinces of Ecuador, achieving post-pandemic stability and returning to the path of growth, with indicators and portfolio quality on the rise. With an average outstanding loan of $7,381, Maquita primarily targets micro and small businesses.

Debt investment to support MSME financing

El Salvador

Investment year


Supported institution


Total debt investment

US$2 million

Project description

Set up with the support of several development partners, ENLACE officially began operations in 2002. Today, this institution

  • has 16 branches across the country, with a strong presence in rural areas
  • reaches over 55,000 entrepreneurial clients, 80% of whom are women
  • has an average outstanding loan of USD 679, primarily targeting the bottom of the pyramid of micro and small businesses
  • is deeply committed to socio-economic development and improving the quality of life of El Salvador's vulnerable populations.

Debt investment to support MSME financing


Investment year


Supported institution


Total debt investment

US$1.5 million

Project description

The Association for the Integral Development of Guatemala (ADIGUA) is a non-profit NGO founded in 2003. It mainly targets the lower end of the micro and small enterprise sector. With a network of 7 branches in 5 central provinces, the institution serves 4,168 clients, more than 48% of whom are women.

Debt investment to support MSME financing


Investment year


Supported institution


Total debt investment

US$1.5 million

Project description

Firmly rooted in rural areas where indigenous populations are concentrated, ADISA targets entrepreneurs and farmers at the base of the pyramid. The institution reaches 9,790 customers, 77.5% of whom are women, through a network of 8 branches in 9 regions in the north-central part of the country. Equipped with an environmental policy and strongly committed to improving access to education, the institution directs 76% of its loans to women. 

Climate adaptation and economic development of agricultural sectors (AVETI) Haiti


Start date

March 2019

End date

February 2024

Funding partner

Global Affairs Canada

Implementing partners

  • International Agricultural Alliance member organizations:
  • Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI)
  • Union des producteurs agricoles – Dévelop­pement international (UPA-DI)

Project description

The Climate Adaptation and Economic Development of Agricultural Sectors (AVETI) project aims to sustainably increase the value of cacao, yam and other crops mainly overseen by women to ensure their financial empowerment and food security for their families. The project also aims to develop innovative practices so crops are less impacted by climate change.

Our role is to increase access to financing—an integral component of sustainable development—for people involved in the agricultural sectors targeted by the project. We advise and support financial institutions in implementing financial services, particularly for women and young people.

Through the project, I received agricultural training and became a member of a village savings and credit association, which helped me save money and obtain credit. The loan I received has allowed me to build up my small business, become self-sufficient and take care of my children.

Marie Anglesanne Oscar

AVETI project beneficiary


  • Increase the market value of cacao, yams and other related crops
  • Adopt innovative agricultural practices for greater resiliency in the face of climate change
  • Increase issuance of loans tailored to farmers
  • Improve living conditions overall for the department of Grand'Anse's rural populations

Results as of December 31, 2022

  • 3,500 cacao and yam producers have benefitted directly from the project.
  • 17,500 people have benefitted indirectly.
  • 5 participating financial institutions and 63 Village Savings and Loan Associations were created. 

Revival of Haitian MSMEs


Start date

March 2022

End date

March 2027

Funding partner

Global Affairs Canada

Other partners

  • Haitian Ministry of Commerce and Industry
  • HEC Montréal's IDEOS Social Impact Hub
  • Several other local organizations

Project description

In Haiti, political uncertainty and an unstable social climate are severely hampering the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), particularly those run by women.

The aim of our Relance project is to support Haitian organizations in their economic recovery efforts, in particular through the implementation of initiatives supporting the resilience and development of MSMEs. These in turn can contribute to economic security, social healing and poverty reduction in Haiti.

Expected results

  • Increased use of government and private-sector programs and funds for the development and financing of MSMEs, an essential component of Haiti's entrepreneurial fabric
  • A structured program of support for entrepreneurs to help them cope with shocks and strengthen their businesses in order to maintain jobs and stay in the market more sustainably
  • The creation of a research chair in entrepreneurial innovation and an acceleration program to encourage Haiti's entrepreneurs to innovate and develop their businesses

Debt investment to support women entrepreneurs at the base of the pyramid


Investment date

June 2023

Supported institution

Pro Mujer Nicaragua

Total debt investment

US$2 million

Project description

Founded in 1996, Pro Mujer Nicaragua provides its 42,500 clients with jointly guaranteed group loans and non-financial services to promote women's health, education and empowerment. It has a network of 8 branches across the country and a portfolio of nearly $25 million.

Debt investment to support MSME financing


Investment year


Supported institution


Total debt investment

US$2 million

Project description

Financiera Fundeser is an inclusive financial institution based in Managua, Nicaragua. Its offer of financial solutions contributes to increasing the income level of micro and small entrepreneurs, especially those living in rural areas and who are the pillars of Nicaraguan economic development. Fundeser's 21 branches cover the whole of Nicaragua. They reach a customer base of 15,673 people, 53% of whom are women, and their portfolio is mainly deployed in rural areas.

Debt investment to support MSME financing


Investment year


Supported institution


Total debt investment

US$2 million

Project description

MiCrédito reaches 12,013 entrepreneurs, 60% of whom are women. Strongly committed to women's empowerment, health, education and the environment, this institution has seen the proportion of its rural clientele rise from 23.5% to 40.8% over the past 4 years.

In November 2024, MiCrédito won a 60 Decibels “Social Impact Awards”: it ranked among the top 3 of 34 Latin American financial institutions listed in the Microfinance Index 2024, which is based on interviews with over 36,000 customers of microfinance institutions.

Financing MSMEs through capital investment  Panama


Investment date

December 2009

Supported institution

Centro Financiero Empresarial

Total capital investment

CAN$2.7 ­million

Project description

Centro Financiero Empresarial is a microfinance institution dedicated to financing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in and around urban centres in Panama. We established the centre in 2009 and handed over the operations to a local team in 2018. The centre serves nearly 4,500 businesses and has about 190 employees, more than 53% of whom are women.

DID projects in Asia

Debt investment to support the financing of agricultural MSMEs


Investment date

July 2023

Supported institution

Lazika Capital

Total debt investment

US$1.5 million

Project description

Lazika Capital sets itself apart by focusing exclusively on regions far from urban centres. This makes all the difference for smallholders and family businesses. Lazika offers a wide range of financial services (credit, funds transfer, payment services) tailored to the needs of farmers and microentrepreneurs. It also makes sure to reach women, who make up 52% of its clientele.

Increasing access to credit through debt investment Tajikistan


Investment year


Supported institution


Total debt investment

equivalent of US$2 million in local currency

Project description

Humo is a socially responsible, community-based organization that was launched in June 2008 as part of a microcredit program aimed at bringing affordable financial services to vulnerable, low-income populations in Tajikistan.

Humo takes part in various projects to promote climate resilience and sustainable agriculture with partners such as the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The organization is known for helping promote private sector investment in Tajikistan and supporting gender equality and climate resilience.

It's the third-largest microfinance institution in Tajikistan and provides loans to more than 83,000 clients, 43% of whom are women.

Strengthening the People's Credit Funds (PCF) network


Start date

March 2016

End date

March 2024

Funding partner

Global Affairs Canada


2 million people supported across the PCF network

Project description

This project aims to improve the integration and performance of the Cooperative Bank of Vietnam (Co-opBank) and its People's Credit Funds (PCF) network to offer a range of financial products and services to a rural client base.

My family took out a loan at the PCF to start a fruit, livestock and aquaculture farm. After a few years, our farm began to generate regular income and our quality of life improved. I see the PCF as an effective source of funding for rural families to help stimulate the local economy.

Ta Van Tri

Member of Quat Dong PCF in Hanoi

Results as of December 31, 2022

  • 1,188 credit unions have received support across Vietnam.
  • The number of members reached 1,653,000 (45% women).
  • Support has been provided across the country, changing the lives of millions of Vietnamese people.