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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Rouville > Our team

Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative. There are currently 3 open seats on the board of directors.

Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Nathalie Croteau Nathalie Croteau
Susie Dubois Susie Dubois
Jérémie Bilodeau Jérémie Bilodeau
Nathalie Charbonneau Nathalie Charbonneau
Nathalie Croteau Nathalie Croteau
Lucie Desgreniers Lucie Desgreniers
Maxime Elsek-Gaudreault Maxime Elsek-Gaudreault
Alain J. Gravel Alain J. Gravel
Valérie Guillet Valérie Guillet
David Laliberté David Laliberté
Marie-Ève Laquerre Marie-Ève Laquerre
Nicholas Laurin Nicholas Laurin
Rémy Lavoie Rémy Lavoie
Sylvain Loiselle Sylvain Loiselle
Philippe Thibodeau Philippe Thibodeau
André Dasté André Dasté
Intern Director

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

Éric Lafrenière Éric Lafrenière, MBA, MSc, PMP
General Manager
450-658-0649, ext. 7077225
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Lisette Beaudry Lisette Beaudry
Market Development Manager
450-658-0649, ext. 7190236
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Marie-Ève Bellavance Marie-Ève Bellavance
Market Development Manager
450-658-0649, ext. 7077246
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Marie-Pier Chagnon Marie-Pier Chagnon, MSc
Sales Support Manager
450-658-0649, ext. 7077221
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Andréanne Leblanc Andréanne Leblanc
Management Support Manager
450-658-0649, ext. 7190248
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Nathalie Proulx Nathalie Proulx
General Management Assistant
450-658-0649, ext. 7190211
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Wealth Management Advisors

Benoit Lemaire Benoit Lemaire
Wealth Management Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077271
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Charif Menni Charif Menni
Wealth Management Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082208
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Cédric Noiseux Cédric Noiseux
Wealth Management Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077223
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Geneviève Pépin-Millette Geneviève Pépin-Millette
Wealth Management Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082226
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Nathalie Roy Nathalie Roy
Wealth Management Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077234
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Personal Finance Advisors

Claudia Allard Claudia Allard
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082212
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Catherine Berlinguette Catherine Berlinguette
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082207
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Stéphanie Brien Stéphanie Brien
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077223
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Nancy Dalpé Nancy Dalpé
Personal Finance and Support Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077326
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Tidiane Diallo Tidiane Diallo
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082384
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Stanka Dimitrova Stanka Dimitrova
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082266
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Tamy Dubuc Tamy Dubuc
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7190216
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Caroline Frégeau Caroline Frégeau
Personal Finance and Support Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077326
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Myriam Frenette Myriam Frenette
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082201
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Anne-Marie Germain Anne-Marie Germain
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082221
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Carole Godin Carole Godin
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082268
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Stéphanie Gomes Cardoso Stéphanie Gomes Cardoso
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077328
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Audrey Guertin Audrey Guertin
Personal Finance and Support Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077231
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Marianne Lefrançois Marianne Lefrançois
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082244
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Nancy Lessard Nancy Lessard
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082386
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Jasmine Lorenzo Rivas Jasmine Lorenzo Rivas
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7190234
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Chantal Moreau Chantal Moreau
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7190233
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Marie-Michèle Paquette Marie-Michèle Paquette
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082206
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Amélie Paul Amélie Paul
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077226
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Élodie Pletinckx Élodie Pletinckx
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082209
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Anne Primeau Bienvenue Anne Primeau Bienvenue
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082248
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Justin Quenneville Justin Quenneville
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077241
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Carolanne Touchette Carolanne Touchette
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077252
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Camille Tremblay Camille Tremblay
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077228
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Joanie Tremblay Joanie Tremblay
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082245
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Samuelle Veillettte-Darby Samuelle Veillettte-Darby
Personal Finance Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7077229
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Financial Services Agents – Clientele

Roxanne Daigneault Roxanne Daigneault
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
450-658-0649, ext. 7190269
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Wafa Jemli Wafa Jemli
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
450-658-0649, ext. 7077230
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Linda Normandin Linda Normandin
Sales Support Coordinator
450-658-0649, ext. 7190237
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Judith Ostiguy Judith Ostiguy
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
450-658-0649, ext. 7082251
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Anne-Marie Paquette Anne-Marie Paquette
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
450-658-0649, ext. 7082227
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Cynthia St-Georges Cynthia St-Georges
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
450-658-0649, ext. 7082240
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Véronique St-Onge Véronique St-Onge
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
450-658-0649, ext. 7077230
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Valérie Veillette Valérie Veillette
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
450-658-0649, ext. 7077239
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Operations Support Agents

Stéphanie Dandurand Stéphanie Dandurand
Operations Support Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082211
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Sophie Lefort Sophie Lefort
Operations Support Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082273
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Sarah Poirier Sarah Poirier
Operations Support Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082241
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Marie-Élaine Thibodeau Marie-Élaine Thibodeau
Operations Support Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7077207
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Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent

Mélanie Archambault Mélanie Archambault
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082272
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Stéphanie Beaulieu-Marcil Stéphanie Beaulieu-Marcil
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082213
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Isabelle Blanchette Isabelle Blanchette
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082205
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Linda Brodeur Linda Brodeur
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7077334
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Cynthia Castonguay Cynthia Castonguay
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7190244
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Christine Dubois Christine Dubois
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082235
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Audrey Fabre Audrey Fabre
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082219
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Audrey Gagné Audrey Gagné
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082246
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Chantal Goudreau Chantal Goudreau
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7190225
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Maude Houle Maude Houle
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082382
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Chantal Massé Chantal Massé
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082259
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Marie-Ève Mongeau Marie-Ève Mongeau
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082218
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Chantal Nadeau Chantal Nadeau
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7077327
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Kyana Pelletier Kyana Pelletier
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082239
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Lara Quévillon Mantha Lara Quévillon Mantha
Management Support and Expertise Support Team Leader
450-658-0649, ext. 7077205
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Diane Rainville
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082203
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Constance Théberge Constance Théberge
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082216
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Evelyn Théberge Evelyn Théberge
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082257
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Mélodie Turcotte Mélodie Turcotte
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082383
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Management Support

Caroline Chicoine Caroline Chicoine
Management Assistant
450-658-0649, ext. 7082369
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Jennifer Choinière Jennifer Choinière
Communications Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082231
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Marie-Eve Goyette Marie-Eve Goyette
Technical Support Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7082270
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Isabelle Levert Isabelle Levert
Resources Agent
450-658-0649, ext. 7077330
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Mathieu Paradis Mathieu Paradis
Communications Advisor
450-658-0649, ext. 7082215
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Karine Rivard Karine Rivard
Control, Risk and Compliance Consulting Analyst
450-658-0649, ext. 7190230
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Mortgage Representative

Marie-Eve Cayer Marie-Eve Cayer
Mortgage Representative
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Jonathan Thibault Jonathan Thibault
Mortgage Representative
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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.