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Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Julie Gendreau Julie Gendreau
Christiane Ouellet Christiane Ouellet
Benoît Provost Benoît Provost
Huguette Beaugrand Huguette Beaugrand
Jocelyn Brouillard
Sylvie Fafard Sylvie Fafard
Diane Hébert-Dubé Diane Hébert-Dubé
Stéphane Langevin Stéphane Langevin
Chantal Lavigne Chantal Lavigne
Pier-Adame Lussier-Paré Pier-Adame Lussier-Paré
Sylvie Martel-Girardot Sylvie Martel-Girardot
Bertrand Ouellet Bertrand Ouellet
Kateri Pelland Kateri Pelland
Josée Phaneuf Josée Phaneuf
Charles Robitaille Charles Robitaille

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

General Management

Renée-Claude Legault Renée-Claude Legault
General Manager
450-546-2715, ext. 7023225
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Nathalie Witty Nathalie Witty
General Management Assistant
450-546-2715, ext. 7203324
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Karine Landry Karine Landry
Communication and Associative Affairs Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7023224
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Isabelle Camiré Isabelle Camiré
Control, Risk and Compliance Advisory Analyst
450-546-2715, ext. 7023221
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Émilie Bélanger Émilie Bélanger
Market Development Manager
450-546-2715, ext. 7023242
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Yoanie St-Pierre Yoanie St-Pierre
Market Development Manager
450-546-2715, ext. 7023222
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Jézabelle Lussier Jézabelle Lussier
Member Services and Sales Support Manager
450-546-2715, ext. 7203245
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Mylène Demers Mylène Demers
Member Services Coordinator
450-546-2715, ext. 7023228
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Asset Management

Corinne Baeriswyl Corinne Baeriswyl
Wealth Management Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7203239
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Isabelle Beaulieu Isabelle Beaulieu
Wealth Management Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7023252
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Benjamin Côté Benjamin Côté
Wealth Management Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7203024
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Mélanie Dubois Mélanie Dubois
Wealth Management Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7203026
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Linda Lalancette Linda Lalancette
Wealth Management Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7023235
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Nancy Loranger Nancy Loranger
Wealth Management Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7203025
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Nathalie Montigny Nathalie Montigny
Wealth Management Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7023265
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Investment and Financing

Cathy Archambault Cathy Archambault
Personal Finance Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7203225
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Catherine Beaulé Catherine Beaulé
Wealth Management Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7023260
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Annabelle Cartier Annabelle Cartier
Personal Finance Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7203215
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Marie-Luce Chamberland Marie-Luce Chamberland
Personal Finance Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7203229
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Julien Champigny Julien Champigny
Personal Finance Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7023272
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Johanne Goyette
Personal Finance Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7028805
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Katie Harvey Katie Harvey
Personal Finance Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7203856
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Natacha Leduc Natacha Leduc
Personal Finance Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7203228
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Karolane Lussier Karolane Lussier
Personal Finance Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7203035
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Jeremy P. Latour Jeremy P. Latour
Personal Finance Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7023241
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Mélissa Rodier Mélissa Rodier
Personal Finance Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7023256
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Cédric Arnaud Touani Dsindjeu Cédric Arnaud Touani Dsindjeu
Personal Finance Advisor
450-546-2715, ext. 7203022
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Financial services agents - Clientele

Elise Beauregard Elise Beauregard
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-546-2715, ext. 7023243
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Peggy Bühler
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-546-2715, ext. 7203222
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Véronique Dolbec Véronique Dolbec
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-546-2715, ext. 7203867
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Natalie Gagnon Natalie Gagnon
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-546-2715, ext. 7023245
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Valérie Goudreau-Roy
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-546-2715, ext. 7203068
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Nathalie Rancourt Nathalie Rancourt
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-546-2715, ext. 7203218
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Mortgage Financing

Julie Blanchette Julie Blanchette
Mortgage Representative
Antoine Traversy-David Antoine Traversy-David
Mortgage Representative

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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.