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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins des Patriotes > Our team

Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Line Simoneau Line Simoneau
Steve Chagnon Steve Chagnon
Martine Bolduc Martine Bolduc
Nancy Caron Nancy Caron
Alexandre Cossette Alexandre Cossette
Marc Demers Marc Demers
Iris Gabelier Iris Gabelier
Émilie Germain Émilie Germain
Vincent Giguère Vincent Giguère
Mario Grlic-Jurjevic Mario Grlic-Jurjevic
Frédéric Laguë Frédéric Laguë
Gaston Perron Gaston Perron
Flavie Roy Flavie Roy
Michel Ste-Marie Michel Ste-Marie
Mélanie Trudeau Mélanie Trudeau

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

General Management

Marie-France Boyer Marie-France Boyer
General Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7432368
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Monique Fréchette Monique Fréchette, Fin. Pl.
Market Development Senior Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7432544
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Julie Picard Julie Picard
General Management Assistant
450-655-9041, ext. 7432333
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Retirement Market Development

Chantal David Chantal David
Market Development Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7004342
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Véronique Otis Véronique Otis
Market Development Assistant Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7006303
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Marie-Hélène Noël Marie-Hélène Noël
Administrative Assistant
450-655-9041, ext. 7182232
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Pre-Retirement Market Development

Annick Labrecque Annick Labrecque, Fin. Pl.
Market Development Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7182132
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Julie Thiriat Julie Thiriat
Market Development Assistant Manager
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Market development - Early Financial Life and Working Years

Mylène St-Germain Mylène St-Germain, BBA
Market Development Assistant Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7432393
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Audrey Nadeau Audrey Nadeau
Market Development Assistant Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7006319
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Patrick Nasser Patrick Nasser
Market Development Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7006366
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Jessica Beaulieu Jessica Beaulieu
Administrative Assistant
450-655-9041, ext. 7004330
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Stéphane Dansereau
Market Development Assistant Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7182144
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Member Experience and Operations Support

Lyne Gauthier Lyne Gauthier
Member/Client Experience and Operations Support Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7006335
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Annie Richard Annie Richard
Member/Client Experience and Operations Support Assistant Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7182125
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Hélène Cartier Hélène Cartier
Member/Client Experience Team Leader
450-655-9041, ext. 7432287
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Véronique Côté Véronique Côté
Member/Client Experience Team Leader
450-655-9041, ext. 7182137
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Mélissa Minotti Mélissa Minotti
Member/Client Experience and Operations Support Team Leader
450-655-9041, ext. 7432714
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Michelle Ménard Michelle Ménard
Control, Risk and Compliance Analyst
450-655-9041, ext. 7182121
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Isabelle Tanguay Isabelle Tanguay
Control, Risk and Compliance Analyst
450-655-9041, ext. 7006342
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Human Resources

Anne-Marie Lemelin Anne-Marie Lemelin, CHRP, MBA, DESSG
Business Strategy, Human Resources and Financial Performance Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7004354
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Amélie Lanctot-Breton Amélie Lanctot-Breton, BAA
Human Resources Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432715
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France Rioux France Rioux
Human Resources Agent
450-655-9041, ext. 7432264
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Marie-Josée Lamoureux Marie-Josée Lamoureux, BSc.
Communications Manager
450-655-9041, ext. 7004337
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Hélène Larouche Hélène Larouche
Associative Affairs Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006317
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Laurence Gruson Laurence Gruson
Administrative Assistant
450-655-9041, ext. 7432647
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Retirement Market Development

Johanne Beauchemin Johanne Beauchemin
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7182139
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Katia Beaulieu Katia Beaulieu
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432545
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Nathalie Charron Nathalie Charron
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006305
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Mehdi Chetiba Mehdi Chetiba
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006374
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Isabelle Couture Isabelle Couture
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7004376
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France Descôteaux France Descôteaux
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432377
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Annique Dupéré Annique Dupéré
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432164
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Marco Francoeur–Bourque Marco Francoeur–Bourque, BAA
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006322
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Jean-Jacques Gagnon Jean-Jacques Gagnon
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006306
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Malory Gagnon Malory Gagnon
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7182149
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Julie-Anne Gauvreau Julie-Anne Gauvreau
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432071
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Caroline Girard Caroline Girard, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7004327
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Monia Gosselin Monia Gosselin
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7182103
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David Goyette David Goyette, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006346
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Sabrina Guy Sabrina Guy
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432336
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Binta Kaire
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006311
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Alexandre Lacas Alexandre Lacas
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432527
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Guylaine Larouche Guylaine Larouche
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7182223
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Christine Longchamps Christine Longchamps
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7182150
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Maude Catherine Paquin Maude Catherine Paquin
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006341
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Gabriel Prud'homme Gabriel Prud'homme, BAA
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7004315
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Mariko Surprenant Mariko Surprenant
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7004333
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Pre-Retirement Market Development

Ahmed Bakir Ahmed Bakir, BBA, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7182102
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Mathieu Braën Mathieu Braën, BBA, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006340
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France Gauthier France Gauthier
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006326
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Christiane Cusson Christiane Cusson
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432253
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Lucie Despins Lucie Despins
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432533
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Sami El Kurdi Sami El Kurdi
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432633
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Emmanuelle Lafond St-Hilaire Emmanuelle Lafond St-Hilaire
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7182225
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Sylvie Larivée Sylvie Larivée, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432388
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Andrée Lecours Andrée Lecours
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432546
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Éliana Suarez Sanchez Éliana Suarez Sanchez, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432392
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Valérie Villiard Valérie Villiard, BBA, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7004322
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Market development - Early Financial Life and Working Years

Hugo Allamanno Hugo Allamanno
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006349
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Laurent Amadei Laurent Amadei
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7004317
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Justyn Angrignon Vadnais Justyn Angrignon Vadnais
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432656
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Omar Ben Haj Amor Omar Ben Haj Amor, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432331
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Catherine Bérard Catherine Bérard
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006332
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Fakhri Chaffai Fakhri Chaffai
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006333
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Karinne Charleer Karinne Charleer
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432341
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Julia Charlier Julia Charlier
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006369
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Arame Cissé Arame Cissé
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006302
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Catherine Courval Catherine Courval
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432074
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Claire Lorraine Douhore
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006320
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Micheline Drapeau Micheline Drapeau
Personal Finance Advisor – Financing and Guidance
450-655-9041, ext. 7432072
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Jade El Kurdi Jade El Kurdi
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432334
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Louis Fiset Louis Fiset
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432540
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Marc-Olivier Forget Marc-Olivier Forget
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7182140
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François Grenier François Grenier
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432370
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Céline Guy Céline Guy
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7004312
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Stéphanie Lehoux Stéphanie Lehoux
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006312
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Alejandra Molina Gomez
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432266
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Charles-Antoine Noël Charles-Antoine Noël
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432466
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Maude Paquin Maude Paquin
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432240
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Kim Paradis Kim Paradis
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006343
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Isabelle Pelletier Isabelle Pelletier
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432648
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William Pelletier William Pelletier
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006359
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Isabelle Perrone Isabelle Perrone
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7182237
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Josée Savaria Josée Savaria
Personal Finance Advisor – Financing and Guidance
450-655-9041, ext. 7006345
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Amélie Séguin Rossi Amélie Séguin Rossi
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432073
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Martine Seguin Thibeault
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7182130
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Philippe Sévéno Philippe Sévéno
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432713
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Aicha Slaoui Aicha Slaoui, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432402
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Chantal St-Germain Chantal St-Germain
Personal Finance Advisor – Financing and Guidance
450-655-9041, ext. 7004320
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Nahya Tabah Nahya Tabah
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7182149
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Marie-Claude Tardif Marie-Claude Tardif
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006360
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Yassir Tahya Yassir Tahya, BSc
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432258
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Camille Thouin Camille Thouin
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7006377
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Rifka Tifoura Rifka Tifoura
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432395
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Yetioman Toure Yetioman Toure
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7432390
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Johanna Vitry Johanna Vitry
Personal Finance Advisor
450-655-9041, ext. 7004335
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Desjardins Mortgage Representative

Nathalie Lefebvre
Desjardins Mortgage Representative
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Line Robert
Desjardins Mortgage Representative
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Desjardins General Insurance Team

Julie Douville Julie Douville
P&C Insurance Agent
1-888-835-9062, ext. 4532523
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Pierre Houle Pierre Houle
P&C Insurance Agent
1-888-835-9062, ext. 4539099
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Geneviève St-Pierre Comtois Geneviève St-Pierre Comtois
P&C Insurance Agent
1-888-835-9062, ext. 4532328
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Desjardins Financial Security Team

Alexandre Lavoie Alexandre Lavoie
Financial Security Advisor
Desjardins Financial Security, Financial Services Firm
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Karine Perron Karine Perron
Financial Security Advisor
Desjardins Financial Security, Financial Services Firm
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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.