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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Mont-Tremblant > Our team

Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Véronique Lemay Véronique Lemay
Michel Delisle Michel Delisle
Estelle Perreault Estelle Perreault
Claude Auclair Claude Auclair
Jacques Bérubé Jacques Bérubé
Alain Brosseau Alain Brosseau
Dominique Fleurent
Annabelle Godin
Daniel Lambert Daniel Lambert
Diane Lelièvre Diane Lelièvre
Manon Paradis Manon Paradis
Justin Laurence Justin Laurence
Young Intern Director

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

General Management

Patrick Lachapelle Patrick Lachapelle, BBA
General Manager
819-425-8926, ext. 7047232
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Sylvie Racine Sylvie Racine
General Management, Communications and Associative Affairs Assistant
819-425-8926, ext. 7047245
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Market Development

Nathalie Roy Nathalie Roy , FP, BBA
Market Development Manager
819-425-8926, ext. 7047238
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Martine Therrien Martine Therrien
Market Development Assistant Manager
819-425-8926, ext. 7047262
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Member Services and Sales Support

Renée Morrissette Renée Morrissette
Member Services and Sales Support Manager
819-425-8926, ext. 7047246
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Anick Mantha Anick Mantha
Member Services and Sales Assistant Manager
819-425-8926, ext. 7047247
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Mélanie Lefebvre Mélanie Lefebvre
Control, Risk and Compliance Analyst
819-425-8926, ext. 7047223
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Market Development

Eric Corriveau Eric Corriveau, FP, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7047257
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Josée Gauthier Josée Gauthier
Wealth Management Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7047328
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Romain Geoffroy Romain Geoffroy
Wealth Management Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7047266
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Alexandre Lefrançois Alexandre Lefrançois, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7009923
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Ludovic Nieuviarts Ludovic Nieuviarts
Wealth Management Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7047235
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Martine Tassé Martine Tassé
Wealth Management Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7009922
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Market Development – Financing

Lyne Coupal Lyne Coupal
Personal Finance Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7009912
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Joannie Dignard Joannie Dignard
Personal Finance Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7047274
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Jennifer Duplain Jennifer Duplain
Personal Finance Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7047234
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Marie-Claude Gravel Marie-Claude Gravel
Personal Finance Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7047244
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Frédéric Hevey Frédéric Hevey
Personal Finance Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7047263
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Jonathan Huard Jonathan Huard
Personal Finance Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7047230
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Michelle Hudon Michelle Hudon
Personal Finance Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7047236
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Alex Latraverse Alex Latraverse
Personal Finance Advisor - Youth
819-425-8926, ext. 7047259
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Anick Marinier Anick Marinier
Personal Finance Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7009911
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Yanick Sirois Yanick Sirois
Personal Finance Advisor
819-425-8926, ext. 7047231
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Financial Services Agents - Clientele

Janik Charbonneau Janik Charbonneau
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
819-425-8926, ext. 7047243
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Tania Filion-Perreault Tania Filion-Perreault
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
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Marilyne Hawkins Marilyne Hawkins
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
819-425-8926, ext. 7047206
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Amélie Lacasse Amélie Lacasse
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
819-425-8926, ext. 7047264
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Member Services and Operations

Stéphanie Cadieux
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent - Receptionist
819-425-8926, ext. 7047215
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Daniele Girard Daniele Girard
Financial Services Agent – Operations
819-425-8926, ext. 7047237
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Edith Girouard Edith Girouard
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Financial Services Agent – Operations
819-425-8926, ext. 7047239
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France Hirigoyen France Hirigoyen
Member Services Agent – Counting Room
819-425-8926, ext. 7047240
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Carole Ladouceur Carole Ladouceur
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
819-425-8926, ext. 7047205
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Tanya Legault Tanya Legault
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
819-425-8926, ext. 7009914
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Michel Mainville Michel Mainville
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
819-425-8926, ext. 7047213
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Marlène Marier Marlène Marier
Technical and Operational Support Agent
819-425-8926, ext. 7047252
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Marie Mdaw Marie Mdaw
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
819-425-8926, ext. 7047226
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Katherine Millette Katherine Millette
Operations Support Agent
819-425-8926, ext. 7047250
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Adriana Pace Adriana Pace
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
819-425-8926, ext. 7009931
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Sylvie Paquin Sylvie Paquin
Operations Support Agent
Nathalie Piché Nathalie Piché
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
819-425-8926, ext. 7047329
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Saholiharilala Ravololonarisata
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
819-425-8926, ext. 7047207
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Diane Sureau Diane Sureau
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
819-425-8926, ext. 7009910
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Nancy Therrien Nancy Therrien
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
819-425-8926, ext. 7047341
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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.