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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Manic-Outardes > Our team

Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Yves Béliveau Yves Béliveau
Denis Lepage Denis Lepage
Jean-Luc Desbiens Jean-Luc Desbiens
Jacques Biron Jacques Biron
Vanessa Raymond Vanessa Raymond
Jean-Denis St-Gelais Jean-Denis St-Gelais
Marie-Ève Gagnon Marie-Ève Gagnon

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

Joanie Bergeron Poudrier Joanie Bergeron Poudrier, MBA
General Manager
418-589-3734, ext. 7256258
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Nathalie Sigouin Nathalie Sigouin, MSc
Market Development Manager
418-589-3734, ext. 7256212
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Alexandra Béland Alexandra Béland, BAA, CHRP
Member Services and Human Resources Manager
418-589-3734, ext. 7256273
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Marie-France Robichaud Marie-France Robichaud
Special Projects Manager
418-589-3734, ext. 7256216
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Frédérique Drolet-Thériault Frédérique Drolet-Thériault
Wealth Management Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256233
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Karo-Lyne Côté Karo-Lyne Côté
Wealth Management Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256228
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Isabelle Gagnon Isabelle Gagnon
Wealth Management Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256214
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Caroline Parent Caroline Parent
Wealth Management Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256286
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Jerry Louissaint Jerry Louissaint
Wealth Management Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256279
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Chantale Vaillancourt Chantale Vaillancourt
Personal Finance Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256269
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Nadya Larochelle Nadya Larochelle
Personal Finance Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256282
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Caroline Simard Caroline Simard
Personal Finance Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256231
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Derek Deroy Derek Deroy
Personal Finance Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256256
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Clarinthe Néron
Wealth Management Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256225
1-866-589-3734, ext. 7256225
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Valérie Pouliot-Lussier
Personal Finance Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256331
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Christine Tapp Christine Tapp
Personal Finance Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256277
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Gina Poirier Gina Poirier
Personal Finance Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256213
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Marina Sheshina Marina Sheshina
Personal Finance Advisor
418-589-3734, ext. 7256263
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Support staff

Noémie Bacon Sirois Noémie Bacon Sirois
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
418-589-3734, ext. 7256240
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Jayestadevi Ramsarun Jayestadevi Ramsarun
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
418-589-3734, ext. 7256285
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Nathalie Roy Nathalie Roy
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
418-589-3734, ext. 7256203
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Marie-Pier Soucy Marie-Pier Soucy
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
418-589-3734, ext. 7256247
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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.