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Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Daniel Gagnon Daniel Gagnon
Raynald Boucher Raynald Boucher
Senior Vice-President
Martin Desrochers Martin Desrochers
Second Vice-President
Gaétan Genest Gaétan Genest
Corinne Bibeau Corinne Bibeau
Claude Demers Claude Demers
Gabriel Demers Gabriel Demers
Jolyane Houle Jolyane Houle
Chantal Lambert Chantal Lambert
Danielle Raymond Danielle Raymond
Valérie Villeneuve Valérie Villeneuve
Alexandre Prévost Alexandre Prévost
Intern Director

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

Mario Demers Mario Demers, FP, BBA
General Manager
418-881-9222, ext. 7069327
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Caroline Laliberté Caroline Laliberté, Pl. Fin., BA, DESS
General Management Support Manager
418-881-9222, ext. 7069323
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Stéphane Lépine Stéphane Lépine, FP, BBA, MSc
Market Development Manager
418-881-9222, ext. 7069137
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Véronique Mercier Véronique Mercier, BBA
Market Development Manager
418-881-9222, ext. 7069336
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Célina Lambert Célina Lambert, BBA
Member Services and Sales Support Assistant Manager
418-881-9222, ext. 7069322
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Jean-François Héroux Jean-François Héroux, BAA
Market and Professional Development Assistant Manager
418-881-9222, ext. 7069343
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Each advisor is especially focused on each of your life's key stages; from the introduction to the financial world, to working life, and leading up to—and into—retirement.

Our advisors understand the financial dreams and challenges that come up at every life stage. Their advice will help you make the right decisions over time so you can achieve your financial goals—and peace of mind.

Wealth Management Advisors

Mélodie Beaulieu Mélodie Beaulieu, BBA, MSc
Wealth Management Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069144
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Marie-Pier Bérubé Marie-Pier Bérubé
Wealth Management Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069258
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Karina Boucher Karina Boucher
Wealth Management Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069355
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Mariève Boucher Mariève Boucher
Wealth Management Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069347
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Caroline Daigle Caroline Daigle
Wealth Management Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069337
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Louis-Philippe Garneau Louis-Philippe Garneau
Wealth Management Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069344
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Kathleen Gingras Kathleen Gingras, FP, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069138
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Chantal Harvey Chantal Harvey
Wealth Management Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069118
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Anie Laliberté Anie Laliberté, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069340
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Manon Linteau Manon Linteau
Wealth Management Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069128
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Maxime Morin Maxime Morin, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069339
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Personal Finance Advisors

Félix Bergeron Félix Bergeron, BAA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069316
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Marie-France Dubois Marie-France Dubois
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069132
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Tommy Fortier Tommy Fortier
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069320
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Marie-Claude Fréchette Marie-Claude Fréchette
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069372
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Amélia Labonté Amélia Labonté
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069260
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Lucie Marion Lucie Marion
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069334
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Kim Messervier Kim Messervier, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069341
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Karine Ouellet Karine Ouellet
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069423
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Jason Pellerin Jason Pellerin
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069237
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Alexandra Roy Alexandra Roy
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069428
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Marie-Claude Roy Marie-Claude Roy, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069430
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Nathalie Ruel Nathalie Ruel, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069023
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Karen Tavara Karen Tavara
Personal Finance Advisor
418-881-9222, ext. 7069351
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Advisor support

Sandra Côté Sandra Côté
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-881-9222, ext. 7069348
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Marie-Josée Daigle Marie-Josée Daigle
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-881-9222, ext. 7069140
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Dany Demers Dany Demers
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-881-9222, ext. 7069349
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Mélissa Desrochers Mélissa Desrochers
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-881-9222, ext. 7069000
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Nathalie Goulet Nathalie Goulet, BBA
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-881-9222, ext. 7069365
1-877-794-9222, ext. 7069365
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Our partners

Samantha Aubert Samantha Aubert
Desjardins Mortgage Representative
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Joannie Côté Joannie Côté
Desjardins Mortgage Representative
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Julie Cyr Julie Cyr
Financial Security Advisor Consumer
Market Offer
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Keaven Lainé Keaven Lainé
Desjardins Mortgage Representative
1-888-835-9062, ext. 4526016
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Marie-Pier Pelchat Marie-Pier Pelchat
Desjardins Mortgage Representative
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Francis Poirier Francis Poirier
Desjardins Mortgage Representative
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Ghislaine Tchaleu-Kawealeu Ghislaine Tchaleu-Kawealeu, MSc
Financial Security Advisor Specialized Offer
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  1. Employee of Desjardins Financial Security, Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  3. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.