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Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Gilbert Caron Gilbert Caron
Lysanne Tanguay Lysanne Tanguay
Social Services Worker
Sophie Lavoie Sophie Lavoie
Personnel Management Agent
Annie Beaumont Annie Beaumont
Human Resources Manager
Bernard Boulet Bernard Boulet
Denis Fournier Denis Fournier
Sales Manager, Poultry
Gisèle Gauthier Gisèle Gauthier
Caroline Gimbert Caroline Gimbert
Éricka Gonthier Éricka Gonthier
Jérôme La Violette-Côté Jérôme La Violette-Côté
Quality Control Coordinator
Pier-Etienne Lehoux Pier-Etienne Lehoux
Company Director
Sarah-Maude Proulx Sarah-Maude Proulx
Office worker
Sylvain Tremblay Sylvain Tremblay
Retired, Government of Québec
Magalie Lachance Magalie Lachance
Intern Director

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

General Management

Julie Naud Julie Naud, MSc, BBA, PF
General Manager
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Lise Dumais
General Management Assistant
418-248-4884, ext. 7672267
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Market Development Department

Guillaume Fournier Guillaume Fournier, BBA, FP
Market Development Manager
418-248-4884, ext. 7175226
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Marie-Claude Blanchet Marie-Claude Blanchet
Market Development Manager
418-248-4884, ext. 7672291
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Member Services and Operations Support Department

Audrey Sylvestre-Bernier Audrey Sylvestre-Bernier
Member Services and Operations Support Manager
418-248-4884, ext. 7672250
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Communications and Associative Affairs Department

Tina Giguère Tina Giguère
Communication Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672216
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Caroline Massé Caroline Massé
Communication Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7166213
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Pascale Paradis Pascale Paradis, BA, CPHR
Communications and Associative Affairs Manager
418-248-4884, ext. 7672295
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Caisse Desjardins de Montmagny is rolling out its service offer designed to address the individual needs of our members at every major stage in their financial lives. This new personalized approach is better adapted to your situation, and will evolve with your financial goals and needs.

Our advisors are specifically dedicated to your particular stage of life and will help you achieve your financial goals from the introduction to the financial world, to working life, pre-retirement and retirement.

Young Members and Active Members Market

Our specialized and dynamic team is here to provide you with beneficial financial strategies tailored to the needs of young members just stepping into the financial world, young families and working members. Our team fully understands the needs of students and young workers with a multitude of projects and dreams just waiting to be achieved, and young families and adults with many financial obligations.

Our professionals can offer effective strategies to help you achieve your goals and look forward to a promising future.

Keven Blais Keven Blais
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672239
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Roxane Gaudreau Coulombe Roxane Gaudreau Coulombe, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672251
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Nancy Gendreau Nancy Gendreau
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672224
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Patrick Gonthier Patrick Gonthier, BA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7166211
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Léonie Kirouac Bernier Léonie Kirouac Bernier
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672234
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Pre-retirement and Retired Members Market

Anne-Frédérique Boulet Anne-Frédérique Boulet
Wealth Management Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7175228
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Suzie Fopa Dongmo Suzie Fopa Dongmo
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672200
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Isabelle Gendron Isabelle Gendron, MSc
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672204
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Julie Lemieux Julie Lemieux
Wealth Management Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672272
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Martine Letendre Martine Letendre
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672240
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Isabelle Moreau Isabelle Moreau
Wealth Management Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672310
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Sonia Robin Sonia Robin, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672261
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Multi-Segment Members Market

Vincent Boulet Vincent Boulet, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672247
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Nathan Chouinard Nathan Chouinard
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7166204
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Marie-Claude Dumas Marie-Claude Dumas
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672202
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Marie-Josée Moreau Marie-Josée Moreau, BBA, FP
Wealth Management Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672263
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Jérôme Normand Jérôme Normand, BBA, FP
Wealth Management Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672210
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Kevin Orne Kevin Orne
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672205
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Charles Picard Charles Picard
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7166201
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Claudia Proulx Claudia Proulx, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7175248
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Kevin St-Amant-Grégroire Kevin St-Amant-Grégroire
Personal Finance Advisor
418-248-4884, ext. 7672208
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Our financial partners

Alain Mercier Alain Mercier
Financial Security Advisor – Specialized Offer
Desjardins Financial Security, Financial Services Firm
Mobile : 418-234-3400
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Jean-François Turcotte Jean-François Turcotte, BBA
Mortgage representative
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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.