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Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Joanie Poudrier Joanie Poudrier
Claude Lefebvre Claude Lefebvre
Amélie Beauchesne Amélie Beauchesne
Kristopher Bédard Kristopher Bédard
Carolyne Bourassa Carolyne Bourassa
Sara Doucet Sara Doucet
Gervais Gagné Gervais Gagné
Sylvain Gaumond Sylvain Gaumond
Stéphane Lamontagne
Maxime Monfette Maxime Monfette
Luc Tardif Luc Tardif

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.


Martine Levasseur Martine Levasseur, MBA
General Manager
418-872-1445, ext. 7070232
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Jane Blackburn Jane Blackburn
General Management Assistant
418-872-1445, ext. 7070268
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Martin Leroux Martin Leroux, BBA
Management Support Manager
418-872-1445, ext. 7070323
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Caroline Lavoie Caroline Lavoie, BAA
Market Development Manager
418-872-1445, ext. 7070318
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Isabelle Rochon Isabelle Rochon
Member/Client Experience Manager
418-872-1445, ext. 7070347
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Jason Dollard Bishara Jason Dollard Bishara
Market Development Manager
418-872-1445, ext. 7070283
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Marie-Krystine Chénard Marie-Krystine Chénard, BBA
Market Development Assistant Manager
418-872-1445, ext. 7070246
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Charlotte Morin Charlotte Morin
Management Support Assistant
418-872-1445, ext. 7070256
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Management Support

Carol-Ann Privé Carol-Ann Privé
Member Services Coordinator
418-872-1445, ext. 7070215
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Catherine Héon Catherine Héon
Associative Affairs Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070229
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Each advisor is especially focused on each of your life's key stages; from the introduction to the financial world, to working life, and leading up to—and into—retirement.

Our advisors understand the financial dreams and challenges that come up at every life stage. Their advice will help you make the right decisions over time so you can achieve your financial goals—and peace of mind.

Entering the Financial World and Mid-working Life

Students and young workers have a multitude of projects and dreams just waiting to be achieved, while young families and adults face many financial obligations. Our team of professionals fully understand their needs and can offer them effective strategies so they can achieve their financial goals and look forward to a promising future.

Alex Charland Alex Charland
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070293
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Bianca Gilbert-Bouliga Bianca Gilbert-Bouliga
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070302
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Carole Deschenes Carole Deschenes
Financial Services Agent
418-872-1445, ext. 7070254
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Charlène Boudreault Charlène Boudreault
Financial Services Agent
418-872-1445, ext. 7070334
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Fannie Blanchet-Savard Fannie Blanchet-Savard
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070269
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Julie Fournier Julie Fournier
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070265
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Louis Castonguay Louis Castonguay
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070296
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Louis-Pierre Trudelle Louis-Pierre Trudelle
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070231
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Marie-France Hamel Marie-France Hamel
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070308
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Marika Faucher Marika Faucher
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070220
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Orphée Perimony Orphée Perimony
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070236
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Sally Gendron Boucher Sally Gendron Boucher
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070282
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Samuel Castonguay Samuel Castonguay, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 770227
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Alexandre Doyle-Pichette Alexandre Doyle-Pichette
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070250
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Aline Despet Aline Despet
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070306
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André Gauvin André Gauvin, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070255
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Eric La Mantia Eric La Mantia, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070243
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Kélie Benoit Kélie Benoit, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070326
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Martine Ouellet Martine Ouellet
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070339
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Nadine Boivin Nadine Boivin
Financial Services Agent
418-872-1445, ext. 7070284
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Sandy Gilbert Sandy Gilbert
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070238
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Simon Jean-Boutin Simon Jean-Boutin
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070337
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Veruska Tavarez Veruska Tavarez
Financial Services Agent
418-872-1445, ext. 7070267
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Annick Lalonde Annick Lalonde
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070360
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Isabelle Jacques Isabelle Jacques
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070319
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Isabelle Perron Isabelle Perron
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070555
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Judith Parent Judith Parent, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070352
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Kathleen Denis Kathleen Denis
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070235
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Marie Lavoie Marie Lavoie
Financial Services Agent
418-872-1445, ext. 7070252
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Marie-Josée Morin Marie-Josée Morin
Personal Finance Advisor – Succession Expert
418-872-1445, ext. 7070241
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Nadia Lirette Nadia Lirette
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070250
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Suzie Doiron Suzie Doiron
Financial Services Agent
418-872-1445, ext. 7070346
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Valentin Rad Valentin Rad
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070228
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Business Owners and Professionals

Entrepreneurs and business professionals need to juggle their personal and professional goals on a daily basis. Our specialized advisors work closely with Desjardins Business account managers to provide tailor-made support, helping you reach your objectives in all areas of your life.

Émilie Desjardins Émilie Desjardins
Personal Finance Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070276
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Laurence Dulac Laurence Dulac
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070335
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Marilyne Tremblay Marilyne Tremblay
Mortgage Development Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070453
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Pier-Luc Vadnais Pier-Luc Vadnais
Wealth Management Advisor
418-872-1445, ext. 7070287
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Our Desjardins partners

Marc-Alexandre Bédard-Leclerc Marc-Alexandre Bédard-Leclerc
Desjardins Mortgage Representative
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Richer Raphael Fournier Richer Raphael Fournier
Financial Security Advisor
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Gabriel Savard-Discuteanu Gabriel Savard-Discuteanu
Desjardins Mortgage Representative
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  1. Employee of Desjardins Financial Security, Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  3. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.