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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins des Chênes > Our team

Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Jean-Luc Joyal Jean-Luc Joyal
Mélanie Hardy Mélanie Hardy
Mario Bélisle Mario Bélisle
Michelle Bourret Michelle Bourret
Hubert Brodeur Hubert Brodeur
Alex Brouillard
Émilie Corbeil Émilie Corbeil
Geneviève Dufort Geneviève Dufort
Michel Paradis Michel Paradis
Alain Tessier Alain Tessier
Jacinthe Vallée Jacinthe Vallée

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

Christian Gagnon Christian Gagnon
General Manager
819-395-4228, ext. 7132222
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Karine Spénard Karine Spénard
General Management Assistant
819-395-4228, ext. 7132240
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Kelly Gince Kelly Gince
Member Services and Sales Support Manager
819-395-4228, ext. 7132238
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Valérie Lussier Valérie Lussier
Market Development Manager
819-395-4228, ext. 7132239
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Marie-Pier Racine Marie-Pier Racine
Administrative Assistant
819-395-4228, ext. 7132334
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Our advisors focus on your needs and know your situation whether you are just starting out, in your active working years, preparing for retirement or already retired.

The have the know-how to guide you through the challenges at each life stage and help you make the best decisions to achieve your goals.

Personal Finances Advisors

Francis Boucher Francis Boucher
Personal Finance Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132237
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Monika Brown Monika Brown
Personal Finance Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132225
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Marjory Cholette Marjory Cholette
Personal Finance Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132327
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Marie-Pier Cournoyer Marie-Pier Cournoyer
Personal Finance Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132246
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Myrianne Gendron Myrianne Gendron
Personal Finance Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132330
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Marie-Claude Lemay Marie-Claude Lemay
Personal Finance Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132229
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Marie-Pier Nadeau Marie-Pier Nadeau
Personal Finance Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132235
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Mélissa Paquette Mélissa Paquette
Personal Finance Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132223
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Wealth Management Advisors

Louis Brière Louis Brière
Asset Management Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132326
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Johanne Comeau Johanne Comeau
Wealth Management Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132228
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Véronic Deneault Véronic Deneault
Wealth Management Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132335
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François Dubé François Dubé
Wealth Management Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132339
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Annick Gauthier Annick Gauthier
Wealth Management Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132226
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Benjamin Leblond Benjamin Leblond
Wealth Management Advisor
819-395-4228, ext. 7132224
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Operations and Assisted Transactions

Kyle Auger-Lamy Kyle Auger-Lamy
Reception Agent
819-395-4228, ext. 7132241
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Micheline Beaulieu Micheline Beaulieu
Telephone Support Agent
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Nancy Bernier Nancy Bernier
Operational Support Agent
819-395-4228, ext. 7132243
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Guylaine Brière Guylaine Brière
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Sylvie De Blois Sylvie De Blois
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Frédeline Saskia Duverseau Frédeline Saskia Duverseau
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Marc-André Lefebvre Marc-André Lefebvre
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Stéphanie Lefrançois
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Colette Martin Colette Martin
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
819-395-4228, ext. 7132322
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Sylvie Martin Sylvie Martin
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Jessica Poudrier
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Edith Turcotte Edith Turcotte
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
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Financial services agents

Cindy Boucher Cindy Boucher
Financial Services Agent
819-395-4228, ext. 7132325
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Dania Boucher Dania Boucher
Financial Services Agent
819-395-4228, ext. 7132208
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Valérie Chamberland Valérie Chamberland
Financial Services Agent
819-395-4228, ext. 7132233
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Isabelle Daneau Bagg Isabelle Daneau Bagg
Financial Services Agent
819-395-4228, ext. 7132283
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Maude Richer Maude Richer
Financial Services Agent
819-395-4228, ext. 7132242
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Member Services Coordinator

Chantale Rivard Chantale Rivard
Member Services Coordinator
819-395-4228, ext. 7132217
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Management Support and Expertise Support

Marlyne Deroy Marlyne Deroy
Management Support and Expertise Support Coordinator
819-395-4228, ext. 7132245
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Control, Risk and Compliance Analyst

Hélène Morin Hélène Morin
Control, Risk and Compliance Analyst
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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.