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Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Jacques St-Louis Jacques St-Louis
Julie Francoeur Julie Francoeur
Jonathan Lefebvre Jonathan Lefebvre
Marcel Allard Marcel Allard
André Bellemare André Bellemare
Sandra Bianki Sandra Bianki
Stéphanie Dion Stéphanie Dion
Sylvie Filion Sylvie Filion
Eric Gilert Eric Gilert
Mélanie Marineau Mélanie Marineau
Carole Marchand Carole Marchand
Alain Lambert Alain Lambert
Laurent Lavergne Laurent Lavergne

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

Karyne Lajoie Karyne Lajoie
General Management Support Manager
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Chantal Bellerive Chantal Bellerive
Member Services Manager
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Marc-André Beaulieu Marc-André Beaulieu, BBA
Market Development Manager
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Audrey Diamond Audrey Diamond, BBA
Market Development Manager
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Michelle Gélinas Michelle Gélinas
Market Development Manager
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Manon St-Cyr Manon St-Cyr
Market Development Manager
Carole Saucier Carole Saucier
General Management Assistant
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Marie-Hélène Tousignant Marie-Hélène Tousignant
Communications and Associative Affairs Advisor
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Early to Mid-Working Life

A dynamic, professional team dedicated to students, young people and adults who are in their working years, have many ideas in mind and want to build their wealth. Whether you want to buy a car, a home, save for your children's studies or simply grow your savings, we can help you.

Frédéric Banville Frédéric Banville
Wealth Management Advisor
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Mathieu Boisvert Mathieu Boisvert, BBA, FP
Wealth Management Advisor
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Manon Bourassa Manon Bourassa
Personal Finance Advisor
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Philippe Bourassa Philippe Bourassa, BBA, FP
Wealth Management Advisor
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Matthew Collins Matthew Collins, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
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Yoann Dumas Yoann Dumas, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
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Mélissa Gauthier Mélissa Gauthier
Personal Finance Advisor
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Ghislain Gael Kiegain Kammognie Ghislain Gael Kiegain Kammognie, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
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Bruno Marchand Bruno Marchand
Personal Finance Advisor
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Frédérique Poulin Frédérique Poulin
Personal Finance Advisor
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Vickie Veilleux Vickie Veilleux
Personal Finance Advisor
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A competent team that provides members with retirement planning advice so they can achieve a standard of living that meets their expectations. You are at a stage where you need sound financial planning to carry out your plans. We're qualified to advise and guide you through this important phase.

Marie-Maude Cloutier Marie-Maude Cloutier
Personal Finance Advisor
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Danielle Doucet Danielle Doucet
Personal Finance Advisor
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Catherine Gélinas Catherine Gélinas, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
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Karine Girard Karine Girard
Wealth Management Advisor
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Virginie Perron Virginie Perron
Personal Finance Advisor
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Maude Poirier Maude Poirier, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
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Chantal Rheault Chantal Rheault
Wealth Management Advisor
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Renée-Louise Simard
Personal Finance Advisor
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Annie St-Arnaud Annie St-Arnaud
Personal Finance Advisor
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Guillaume Vennes Guillaume Vennes, BBA, Fin. Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
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A specialized team dedicated to members like you who have accumulated assets over the course of their lifetime and who now want to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Whether you need advice on portfolio diversification, the disbursement of your investments, estate planning or any other financial issue, we are trained to advise and guide you. Our goal is to help you enjoy your retirement now in complete tranquility.

Christian Charette Christian Charette, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
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Christian Doucet Christian Doucet, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
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Francis Guénette Baker Francis Guénette Baker
Personal Finance Advisor
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Issa Hamadou Issa Hamadou
Personal Finance Advisor
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Anny Lacoursière Anny Lacoursière, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
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Katia Mocombe Pierre Katia Mocombe Pierre
Personal Finance Advisor
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Annie Pellerin Annie Pellerin
Wealth Management Advisor
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Karl St-Pierre Karl St-Pierre
Wealth Management Advisor
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Caroline Vandal Caroline Vandal
Personal Finance Advisor
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Marc-Alexis Vincent Marc-Alexis Vincent
Wealth Management Advisor
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Early to Mid-Working Life, Pre-Retirement and Retirement

William Chevalier William Chevalier
Personal Finance Advisor
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Chantal Gagnon Chantal Gagnon
Personal Finance Advisor
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Mathieu Gagnon Mathieu Gagnon
Personal Finance Advisor
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Mariève Gagnon Mariève Gagnon
Personal Finance Advisor
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Francine Gauthier Francine Gauthier
Personal Finance Advisor
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Alexandre Lamothe Alexandre Lamothe
Personal Finance Advisor
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Line Mathieu Line Mathieu
Personal Finance Advisor
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Martine Tremblay Martine Tremblay
Personal Finance Advisor
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Financial services agents - Clientele

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Member services – Team leaders

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Member services – Member/client experience advisory agents

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Desjardins mortgage representatives

You can meet with one of our representatives 7 days a week, day or night, wherever you want.

Virginie Dumas Virginie Dumas
Mortgage Representative
Nancy Gaudreault Nancy Gaudreault
Mortgage Representative
819 372-7442
fax. : 1 855 666-1785
Patrick Lafrance Patrick Lafrance
Mortgage Representative
Cell. : 819 448-4248
fax. : 1 877 380-0777
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Kareen Villemure Kareen Villemure
Mortgage Representative
Cell. : 819 692-4049
fax. : 819 693-4137

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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Fund Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Fund Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.