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Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Myriam Laporte Myriam Laporte, BSc
Public Health Professional
View profile
Isabelle Mireault Isabelle Mireault, MEng
Civil Engineer and Manager
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Claire Sarrazin Claire Sarrazin
Retired Health Sector Manager
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Solveig Choquette Solveig Choquette
Vegetable and Maple Syrup Producer
View profile
William Denommé-Vincent William Denommé-Vincent, CPA
Planning and Financial Performance Advisor
View profile
Ève Durand Ève Durand, CPA
Financial Analyst
View profile
Sylvie Gadoury Sylvie Gadoury, ASC
Retired Lawyer and Certified Corporate Director (ASC)
View profile
Stéphanie Gervais Stéphanie Gervais, DESS, BEd
Elementary School Principal
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Hubert Girard Hubert Girard, LLB
Civil Litigation and Commercial Lawyer
View profile
Michel Laplante Michel Laplante, BBA (Marketing)
Sales Representative
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Adèle Lavallée Adèle Lavallée, BA
Communications Agent
View profile
Annie Loyer Annie Loyer
Assistant Manager, Leisure and Culture Department
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Alain Maltais Alain Maltais
Retired Plant Manager
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Bernard Morin Bernard Morin, CPA, CA
Retired CPA
View profile
Evan Murray Evan Murray, BSW, M.Admin.
General Manager of a Solidarity Cooperative
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Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.


Joël Landry Joël Landry, MBA
General Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232022
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Gilo Bellehumeur Gilo Bellehumeur, BBA
Market Development Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7174220
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Jean-François Bisson Jean-François Bisson
Market Development Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232239
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Antoni Boucher Antoni Boucher, BBA, F.Pl.
Market Development Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232028
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Hugues Bourdeau Hugues Bourdeau, MSc, F. Pl.
Market Development Senior Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232284
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Véronique Charette Véronique Charette, BBA
Market Development Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232261
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Isabelle Fiset Isabelle Fiset, F. Pl.
Market Development Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232248
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Janie Forest Janie Forest
Member Services Assistant Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232237
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Marie-France Henley Marie-France Henley
Member Services Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232291
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David Immelé David Immelé, BBA
General Management and Sales Support Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232275
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Nancy Robitaille Nancy Robitaille
Market Development Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232238
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David Tessier David Tessier, BBA
Market Development Senior Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232277
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Marie-Claude Valois Marie-Claude Valois
Member Services Assistant Manager
450-759-2422, ext. 7232272
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Management support

Josée Amireault Josée Amireault
Market Development Administrative Assistant
450-759-2422, ext. 7232283
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Marie-Ève Bilodeau Marie-Ève Bilodeau
Training Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232023
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Linda Boulay Linda Boulay
Human Resources Administrative Assistant
450-759-2422, ext. 7232300
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Marilyn Bronsard Marilyn Bronsard
Training Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232013
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Mylène Charette Mylène Charette
Human Resources Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232293
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Monique Desrosiers Monique Desrosiers
Communications Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232819
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Nathalie Kingsbury Nathalie Kingsbury
Training Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232928
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Chantal Lambert Chantal Lambert, BA
Communications and Associative Affairs Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213259
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Rosalie Lamontagne Rosalie Lamontagne, BBA, CPHR
Human Resources Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174206
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Manon Lapalme Manon Lapalme
General Management Assistant
450-759-2422, ext. 7232270
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Martine Pilon Martine Pilon
Market Development Administrative Assistant
450-759-2422, ext. 7232535
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Wealth management advisors

Guylaine Ayotte Guylaine Ayotte, Fin. Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232240
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Audrey Ayotte Audrey Ayotte
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213263
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Sophie Bourgie Sophie Bourgie
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232208
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Elliane Bourque Elliane Bourque, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213275
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Nancy Charbonneau Nancy Charbonneau, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232242
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Guy Cordeau Guy Cordeau
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232029
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Manon Gagnon Manon Gagnon
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213223
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Alain Girard Alain Girard, BSc
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232297
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Mélissa Gravel Mélissa Gravel
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213232
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Annie-Ève Guévremont Annie-Ève Guévremont
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213220
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Sophie Jourdanet Sophie Jourdanet
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174259
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Marc-André Laurin Marc-André Laurin, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232741
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Dylan Larocque Dylan Larocque, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232032
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Odette Lavallée Odette Lavallée
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232828
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Mario Lépine Mario Lépine, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174262
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Pierrette Loyer Pierrette Loyer
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232202
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Nathalie Messier Nathalie Messier
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174246
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Daniel Gérard Paul Daniel Gérard Paul, BAA
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232287
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Sylvie Renaud Sylvie Renaud
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232431
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Mathieu Rondeau Mathieu Rondeau, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232205
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Abdoul Aziz Santara Abdoul Aziz Santara, MSc, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232236
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Maryline Toutant Maryline Toutant
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232267
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Benoît Trudeau Benoît Trudeau, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232836
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Chantal Valois Chantal Valois, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232823
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Catherine Vincent, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174230
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Personal finance advisors

Mohamed Fares Ali Kacem Mohamed Fares Ali Kacem
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232019
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Véronique Arbour Véronique Arbour
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174363
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Antoine Baril Antoine Baril
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232112
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Annie Beauchemin Annie Beauchemin
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232218
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Guylaine Beauséjour Guylaine Beauséjour
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174353
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Rim Bejaoui Rim Bejaoui, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232811
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Molly Bergeron Molly Bergeron
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7322822
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Joanie Bissonnette Joanie Bissonnette
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232249
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Olivier Brunet Olivier Brunet
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232235
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Mélanie Champagne Mélanie Champagne, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232229
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Éric Chartré Éric Chartré
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232839
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Catherine Chaurette Catherine Chaurette
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232006
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Stéphanie Chaussé Stéphanie Chaussé
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232756
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Geneviève Coutu Geneviève Coutu
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213225
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Julie Cyrenne Julie Cyrenne
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174252
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Manon Danis Manon Danis
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232212
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Geneviève Deshêtres Geneviève Deshêtres
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213325
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Annie Desnoyers Annie Desnoyers
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232762
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William Desrosiers William Desrosiers, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232035
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Jolène Drouin Jolène Drouin
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232824
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Lisa Dumontier Lisa Dumontier, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174228
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Isabelle Forest Isabelle Forest
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232268
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Danika Gagné Danika Gagné, BAA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232726
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Geneviève Gauthier Geneviève Gauthier
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174242
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Sylvie Gélinas Sylvie Gélinas
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232207
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Audrey Goyette Audrey Goyette
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213324
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Manon Grégoire Manon Grégoire
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232855
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Carmen Grenier Carmen Grenier
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174352
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Lorraine Guilbault Lorraine Guilbault
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213323
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Sylvie Guindon Sylvie Guindon
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213262
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Mario Hétu Mario Hétu
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232035
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Jennyfer Labelle Jennyfer Labelle
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7213233
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Nathalie Ladouceur Nathalie Ladouceur
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232262
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Martine Lamoureux Martine Lamoureux
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232209
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Olivier Laporte Olivier Laporte, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232245
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Maryse Lemyre Maryse Lemyre
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232299
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Xavier Lepage-Mireault Xavier Lepage-Mireault
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232243
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Daphnée Lépine Daphnée Lépine, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232252
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Gabriel Massicotte Lacoursière Gabriel Massicotte Lacoursière
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232529
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Martin Morin Martin Morin, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232242
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Gabriel Pagé Gabriel Pagé, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232021
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Nanny Parent Nanny Parent
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174356
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Chantal Perreault Chantal Perreault
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174255
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Audrey Rivest Audrey Rivest, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232321
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Kim Rondeau Kim Rondeau
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232523
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Kathleen Roy Kathleen Roy
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232430
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Nathalie Sauvageau Nathalie Sauvageau
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7174370
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Amélie Tessier Amélie Tessier
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232625
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Moussa Robleh Wais, C.Adm.
Personal Finance Advisor
450-759-2422, ext. 7232624
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Financial services agents

Chantal Bellerive Chantal Bellerive
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232241
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Louis-Charles Charbonneau Louis-Charles Charbonneau
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7174237
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Nathalie Chartier Nathalie Chartier
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232034
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Noémie Dupuis Noémie Dupuis
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232244
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Vicky Fréchette Vicky Fréchette
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7213269
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Andrey-Ann Girard Andrey-Ann Girard
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232721
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Nathalie Grégoire Nathalie Grégoire
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7174253
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Johanne Hébert-Percy Johanne Hébert-Percy
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232825
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Manon Lefebvre Manon Lefebvre
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232736
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Frédéric Lemay Frédéric Lemay
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232424
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Manon Mathieu Manon Mathieu
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232258
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Rosalie Migué Rosalie Migué
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232018
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Roxane Ouellette Roxane Ouellette
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232626
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Thomas Paradis Thomas Paradis
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7213264
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Maryse Rainville Maryse Rainville
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7213226
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Mélissa Renaud Mélissa Renaud
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232036
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Danaé Subranni Danaé Subranni
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
450-759-2422, ext. 7232027
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Mortgage representatives

Mélanie Bérubé Mélanie Bérubé
Mortgage Representative
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Nicolas Morrissey Nicolas Morrissey
Mortgage Representative
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Tommy Vermette Tommy Vermette
Mortgage Representative
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Auto and Home insurance - Desjardins Insurance

We’re a team of property and casualty insurance agents trained to guide you and meet your auto and home insurance needs.

Karine Chartrand Karine Chartrand
Personal Lines P&C Insurance Agent
1-888-277-8726, ext. 4526254
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Isabelle Moreau Isabelle Moreau
Personal Lines P&C Insurance Agent
1-888-277-8726, ext. 4526437
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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Fund Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Fund Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.