Ajusto® – Program Terms and Conditions

Date of last update: August 9, 2024

Previous version

136 005 (2024-08)
Your Automobile Insurance

Ajusto Add-on refers to: the Ajusto Program software in the Application.

Ajusto Program: has the meaning set out in section 2.

Application refers to: The Desjardins Insurance Home-Auto Application.

CMT refers to: Cambridge Mobile Telematics Inc.

Collected Data: has the meaning set out in section 3.2.

Data Collection Period(s): has the meaning set out in section 2.4.

Driving Trip refers to: a recorded trip attributed to the operation of any vehicle by an Enrolled Driver.

Enrolled Driver refers to: each Principal Driver(s) who has activated Ajusto Add-on on their smartphone.

Enrolment Discount: A percentage discount applied to Your auto insurance policy premium for the first Data Collection Period as set out in section 2.4.

Named Insured(s) refers to: the only individual(s) who can make any additions, modifications or deletions to the insurance policy to which this policy change form is attached. The Named Insured(s) are the registered owner(s) or lessee(s) of the described automobile(s) on the automobile insurance policy.

Phone number to call: 1-888-277-8726.

Principal Driver refers to: the person who drives an insured automobile most often. A Principal Driver may be a Named Insured or other insured driver.

Program Adjustment refers to: Use of Collected Data to create a personalized score that modifies Your insurance policy premium.

Terms and Conditions refers to: the Terms and Conditions set out in this policy change form.

We / Us / Ours refers to: Desjardins General Insurance Inc.

Website address: https://www.desjardins.com/en/insurance/auto/ajusto.html

You / Your / Yours refers to: each Named Insured.

Participation in the Ajusto Program is expressly conditioned on Your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Downloading the Application and activating the Ajusto Add-on by the Enrolled Driver(s) on their smartphone constitutes the Enrolled Driver's acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. The Ajusto Program is completely voluntary. The Enrolled Driver who does not wish to agree with any part of these Terms and Conditions should not activate the Ajusto Add-on and may not participate in the Ajusto Program. Please see the minimum Ajusto Program eligibility requirements in section 2.2 and note that You and/or the Enrolled Driver can opt out of the Ajusto Program under certain conditions (see section 2.6).

These Terms and Conditions do not change the Usage Rules set forth in the Apple App Store Terms and Conditions or in the Google Play Terms of Service, whichever apply.

You can enrol in the Ajusto Program by contacting Us or directly through the Application. The Ajusto Program refers to the use of the Ajusto Add-on to collect and transmit driving behaviour information of the Enrolled Driver(s) to CMT and Us in order for Us to use that information to calculate the Program Adjustment that Your insurance policy premium will receive. As a result, it gives You greater control, as Your insurance policy premium is based in part on the way the Enrolled Driver(s) drives during the Data Collection Period.

2.1 Requirements of an Enrolled Driver

Each Enrolled Driver must download the Application to their smartphone with a compatible operating system and activate the Ajusto Add-on. Each Enrolled Driver will be required to maintain a cellular network data plan or Wi-Fi access for the duration of the Ajusto Program (for details on options see section 2.8). The Enrolled Driver's date of birth will be used to complete the activation of the Ajusto Add-on. Once activated, it will record personal driving information about the Enrolled Driver as detailed in section 3.2.

2.2 Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Enrolment in the Ajusto Program

  • You have identified at least one Enrolled Driver (see section 2.1);
  • You have confirmed that any Enrolled Driver(s) have an Ajusto Add-on compatible smartphone (iPhone or Android) and for the duration of participation in the Ajusto Program that they will maintain a cellular network data plan or have Wi-Fi access;
  • You have provided a valid email address for Enrolled Driver(s);
  • You and the Enrolled Driver(s) have agreed to the Terms and Conditions of the Ajusto Program (see section 1).

2.3 Eligibility and Description of the Program Adjustment

The Enrolment Discount will cease to apply after completing the first Data Collection Period. To remain eligible for continuous Program Adjustments, the Enrolled Driver(s) must remain in the Ajusto Program from the activation date of the Ajusto Add-on and for the duration of a Data Collection Period while meeting the Data Collection Period requirements described in section 2.4.

Program Adjustments for each Enrolled Driver are calculated using the Collected Data as described in section 3.2.

The Ajusto Program is divided into consecutive Data Collection Periods allowing for continuous assessment of the Enrolled Driver(s) driving behaviour and the opportunity for continued Program Adjustments to Your insurance policy premium.

For each Data Collection Period, We determine the Program Adjustment which may cause Your insurance policy premium to decrease (Favourable Program Adjustment) or increase (Unfavourable Program Adjustment). To qualify for a Program Adjustment after each Data Collection Period, Enrolled Driver(s) must meet the Data Collection Period requirements. The requirements to successfully complete the Data Collection Period as well as the ramifications and impact of failing to do so, are set out in section 2.4.

Please note that enrolment in the Ajusto Program does not guarantee a Favourable Program Adjustment and Your Program Adjustment can fluctuate significantly based on Your Collected Data for each Data Collection Period.

After completing the first Data Collection Period, the Program Adjustment is applied mid-term based on the Enrolled Driver’s Collected Data. Subsequently, each Data Collection Period will begin annually with Your insurance policy term, using Your Collected Data obtained prior to Your renewal processing.

With each Program Adjustment, following a new Data Collection Period, if You continue to meet all eligibility requirements, including what is described in section 2.4, Your automobile insurance policy premium may be:

  • Increased – if Your Favourable Program Adjustment is decreased or ceases to apply or if an Unfavourable Program Adjustment is applied or increased;
  • Decreased – if Your Favourable Program Adjustment is increased or if an Unfavourable Program Adjustment is decreased; or
  • Unchanged – if Your previously earned Program Adjustment does not change.

Automobile insurance policy premium increases and decreases, including any Program Adjustment an Enrolled Driver(s) may qualify for, will be applied to the insurance policy premium, before taxes.

Be aware that Your insurance policy premium may increase or decrease based on rating criteria other than or in addition to a change in Your Program Adjustment, including but not limited to accidents and traffic tickets.

Your Program Adjustment is one of many rating criteria considered in order to determine Your overall insurance policy premium at renewal, and it will be factored among other traditional rating criteria. As such, You will not be provided with an exact value of Your Program Adjustment at Your automobile insurance policy's renewal or during any Data Collection Period.

At each renewal or whenever You make insurance policy premium impacting changes to Your automobile insurance policy, You will receive a Billing Statement reflecting the impact of the Program Adjustment:

  • If the insurance policy premium has already been paid in full: a refund will be issued if the insurance policy premium has decreased or an additional amount will be due if the insurance policy premium has increased;
  • If the insurance policy premium is paid monthly, or by another payment method: the insurance policy payment schedule will be adjusted accordingly to reflect increased or decreased payments.

2.4 Data Collection Period Details and Requirements

You will receive a one-time Enrolment Discount that will be applicable upon Ajusto Add-on activation and will apply to Your first Data Collection Period. Your first Data Collection Period is different from all future Data Collection Periods as driving behaviour has yet to be collected, therefore, the Enrolment Discount is applied for this period.

After the first Data Collection Period, a Program Adjustment will be applied mid-term and to all subsequent Data Collection Period(s) if eligibility requirements are met. All subsequent Data Collection Periods will begin annually with the renewal of Your insurance policy.

Program Adjustment eligibility requires that Enrolled Driver(s) must:

  • drive 1,000 kilometres during any Data Collection Period, and,
  • drive at least once during any 30 day period, and,
  • non-driving trips, trips excluded by Enrolled Driver (see section 2.10) and trips of less than 1 kilometre (see section 3.2) will not be considered towards meeting the above two requirements.

If the Ajusto Add-on has not been able to identify an Enrolled Driver(s) as a driver for at least 1,000 kilometres or detects a driving gap of 30 or more consecutive days during Your most current Data Collection Period, You will be ineligible and any existing Program Adjustment for the Enrolled Driver will be impacted as follows:

  • Favourable Program Adjustment may be removed;
  • Unfavourable Program Adjustment will continue to apply and may be re-evaluated at Your next insurance policy term renewal.

Ineligibility impacts remain applicable until the Enrolled Driver successfully meets the eligibility requirements upon completion of the very next Data Collection Period. Failing to meet the requirements for two or more consecutive Data Collection Periods may result in removal from the Ajusto Program.

We reserve the right to discontinue Your existing Ajusto Program participation along with an option to move You to the most recent version of the program identified in section 2 above:

  • if the existing Collected Data needs to be refreshed,
  • if the existing Collected Data has become dated,
  • if We believe that the Collected Data is not reflective of an Enrolled Driver's actual driving behaviour, or,
  • if there has been a material change in Your risk characteristics.

2.5 Smartphone Handling and Operations

The Ajusto Add-on of the Application requires power from the smartphone battery and care should be taken to ensure the smartphone is adequately charged, in order that the phone is always turned on when driving. The Application may require periodic updates and You and the Enrolled Driver(s) agree that updating the Application from time to time is the responsibility of the Enrolled Driver(s). Once the Application is downloaded and the Ajusto Add-on activated, for as long as You participate in the Ajusto Program, it must not be deleted, turned off or deactivated, as it is required for Collected Data during each Driving Trip (see section 2.10). The location services (GPS) must always be set to "on".

2.6 Terminating Participation in the Program

Should You decide to opt out of the Ajusto Program, remove an Enrolled Driver(s), or if Your participation is terminated, the Application will stop gathering Collected Data as of the effective date of un-enrolment (or as of the date the Application is deleted; if it was done prior to the effective date of un-enrolment). If Your participation is terminated by Us, You will no longer be eligible to receive any Enrolment Discount or Favourable Program Adjustment. Your premium will be adjusted accordingly, effective as of the date of un-enrolment. In order to ensure that Ajusto Add-on stops gathering Collected Data, it is Your responsibility to opt out from the Ajusto Add-on or delete the Application.

If You or the Enrolled Driver(s) decide to opt out of the Ajusto Program after having completed Your first Data Collection Period, Your earned Program Adjustment may be impacted as follows (until the completion of Your first acceptable Data Collection Period after You or the previously Enrolled Driver choose to re-enrol in the Ajusto Program):

If You or the Enrolled Driver(s) decide to opt out of the Ajusto Program before having completed the first Data Collection Period but after We have been able to identify the Enrolled Driver(s) as per the requirements in section 2.4, Your Enrolment Discount will be removed. We may use the Collected Data obtained prior to the effective date of Your un-enrolment along with other rating criteria to personalize Your automobile insurance premium at the next renewal.

  • any existing Favourable Program Adjustment may be removed;
  • any existing Unfavourable Program Adjustment will continue to apply and may be re-evaluated at Your next insurance policy term renewal based on other rating criteria;
  • We may use the Collected Data obtained prior to the effective date of Your un-enrolment along with other rating criteria to personalize Your Premium at the next renewal.

If You or the Enrolled Driver(s) decide to opt out of the Ajusto Program before having completed the first Data Collection Period but after We have been able to identify the Enrolled Driver(s) as per the requirements in section 2.4, Your Enrolment Discount may be removed. We may use the Collected Data obtained prior to the effective date of Your un-enrolment along with other rating criteria to personalize Your automobile insurance premium at the next renewal.

2.7 Who Owns the Application and Ajusto Add-on

The Application and Ajusto Add-on are the property of Desjardins General Insurance Group Inc. and are licenced to the Enrolled Driver(s) in the Ajusto Program. Desjardins General Insurance Group Inc. retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Application and Ajusto Add-on. You and the Enrolled Driver(s) may not reverse engineer, decompile, alter, duplicate, translate, make copies, or create derivative works from the Application and Ajusto Add-on, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of the Application and Ajusto Add-on, except to the extent allowed under applicable law. If applicable law permits such activities, any information discovered as a result of these activities must be promptly disclosed to Us as it is deemed to be the confidential and proprietary information of Ours.

2.8 Wi-Fi or Cellular Network Option

From within the Ajusto Add-on of the Application, the Enrolled Driver(s) may choose to send Collected Data by cellular network or Wi-Fi connection. The Enrolled Driver(s) is responsible for any data charges and expenses associated with their use of the Ajusto Add-on.

2.9 Transferring the Application to Another Smartphone

Download the Application and activate Ajusto Add-on on the alternate smartphone; enter the same email, or phone number that was previously used as per section 2.2, a temporary code (via mail or SMS) will then be provided to complete the setup.

2.10 Use of the Ajusto section on Each Driving Trip

Once the Application has been installed and the Ajusto Add-on activated, they must remain "on" continuously for Data Collection (see section 3.2). Enrolled Driver(s) must carry their Ajusto Add-on enabled smartphone whenever operating any vehicle in North America (whether or not the vehicle is enrolled in the Ajusto Program), for accurate driving behaviour detection during each Data Collection Period. The Ajusto Add-on must be permitted to detect and record all Enrolled Driver's Driving Trips. The Ajusto Add-on will identify trips as either Driving Trips (i.e., trips where the Ajusto Add-on determines that the Enrolled Driver was operating a vehicle), or non-Driving trips (i.e., where the Ajusto Add-on determines that the Enrolled Driver was not operating a vehicle). It is the obligation of the Enrolled Driver(s) to periodically check their Ajusto Add-on and exclude any trips that the Ajusto Add-on has incorrectly determined to be Driving Trips. Driving Trip exclusions must be completed prior to viewing the trip details and within 30 days of the trip otherwise it will be deemed a Driving Trip attributable to the Enrolled Driver. No data regarding trips outside of North America are used to establish the Program Adjustment.

2.11 Removal from the Program

If a pattern of behaviour is identified indicating that reported driving behaviour is not representative of actual driving behaviour, You will be notified explaining the situation proposing termination of the Enrolled Driver's participation in the Ajusto Program unless the situation is remedied within 30 days of Our notice. If this occurs, and the situation is not remedied within 30 days of Our notice, Your vehicle will remain insured with Us; however any Favourable Program Adjustment applicable to the previously Enrolled Driver(s) will be removed effective the day following the 30 day notice period. Collected Data obtained prior to removal may be used by Us to adjust Your premium for the current insurance policy term accordingly.

2.12 Termination / Amendment

We hope and expect to continue the Ajusto Program indefinitely. However, We maintain the right to suspend, terminate or completely discontinue the Ajusto Program. In addition, the Ajusto Program may be amended or modified from time to time; provided that no such action shall retroactively affect You. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any modification or amendment to the Ajusto Program may be made prospectively on the renewal of Your insurance policy.

3.1 Protecting Your Privacy

An important part of Our commitment to provide You with service excellence is Our respect for Your privacy. We are committed to protecting Your privacy and earning Your trust and understand that You may have concerns about how We use the Collected Data as referred to in section 3.2. For further details, please refer to sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 below and to the Management and protection of personal information policy for mobile application users at https://www.desjardins.com/ca/privacy/insurance-mobile-app-policy/index.jsp.

We provide to Our partner CMT the date of birth of the Enrolled Driver(s) when the Enrolled Driver(s) activates the Ajusto Add-on. Tstrong>to CMT only to validate the activation of the Ajusto Add-on by the Enrolled Driver.

The Collected Data of an Enrolled Driver(s) will be used by CMT only to deliver the program services described in these Terms and Conditions. Collected Data may be used by Us to design, operate, enhance, and administer the Application and Ajusto Program by:

  • determining the driving events We use or may use in the future for the purpose of calculating Your Program Adjustment,
  • improving Our understanding of Your driving behaviour and activities,
  • reviewing and updating Your rating criteria,
  • detecting, investigating, processing, assessing and settling insurance claims,
  • detecting, preventing and suppressing fraud, and,
  • using for research and development purposes, as well as sharing anonymized data with academic institutions for research purposes.

Neither We nor CMT will otherwise collect or use personal information (which includes Collected Data) or disclose or transfer personal information to any third party except as required by law.

We will use Your email or cellphone number to provide You with information about the Ajusto Program. We will not use Your email or cellphone number to solicit You for any other products and services unless We have obtained Your consent to do so.

3.2 Information the Ajusto Add-on Collects

When the Ajusto Add-on is activated, it records:

  • smartphone location (GPS),
  • accelerometer and gyroscope data (speed, braking),
  • time of day,
  • battery level and,
  • anomalies (turning off the phone, revoking access to geolocation).

This information is transmitted wirelessly to CMT. From this, CMT will derive the following Driving Trip information:

  • fast acceleration and hard braking,
  • speed,
  • time of day,
  • distance and duration,
  • driver distraction,
  • road type (e.g., highway, gravel, etc.),
  • driving trip stability (e.g., travel location, day of the week).

Collectively all the above types of information are referred to as "Collected Data". This Collected Data is then sent securely by CMT to Us.

All Collected Data is specific to an Enrolled Driver's driving behaviour and Collected Data will be generated by any vehicle operated by an Enrolled Driver.

Collected Data identifying either movement on foot or trips of less than 1 kilometre, will be deleted from the smartphone immediately after transmission to CMT. Such Collected Data may be used by Us and CMT limited to the purpose of improving the accuracy of the Ajusto Program.

3.3 How Collected Data is Used

As indicated in the above sections, personal information and Collected Data regarding the driving behaviour of Enrolled Driver(s), will be used by Us to calculate the Program Adjustment by means of an automated process based on such data.

To the Enrolled Driver(s): We are required to disclose to the Named insured(s) all particulars of the recorded driving behaviour of an Enrolled Driver in the circumstances described in sections 2.4 and 2.11 above.

We will not sell or otherwise disclose Collected Data to any third party except as required by law.

4.1 Licence to Use

Provided that You and the Enrolled Driver(s) comply with all of these Terms and Conditions, We grant You and the Enrolled Driver(s) a revocable, limited and non-transferrable licence to use the Ajusto Add-on in the Application on any smartphone that is owned or controlled by an Enrolled Driver and as permitted by Usage Rules set forth in the Apple App Store Terms and Conditions or the Google Play Terms of Service, whichever is applicable.

4.2 Disclaimer of Warranty

This Application is licensed "as-is", "with all faults" and "as available". The Enrolled Driver(s) bears the risk of using it. We, on behalf of ourselves, the creator of the Application, distributors of the Application, network operators over whose network the Application is distributed, and each of their respective affiliates and suppliers, give no express or implied warranties, guarantees, or conditions under or in relation to the Application. This includes, but is not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We do not warrant that the functionality or operation of the Application will be uninterrupted or free from error, that any defects in the Application will be corrected, or that the Application or the server(s) that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful conditions or components.

Subject to section 1 above, We reserve the right to modify or terminate the Ajusto Program at any time and for any reason.

Ajusto® is a trademark of Desjardins General Insurance Inc., used under licence.

Desjardins®, Desjardins Insurance®, all trademarks containing the word Desjardins, as well as related logos are trademarks of the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec, used under licence by Us.

These trademarks are protected by Canadian laws.