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Our team

To help you in your endeavours, we have a team of committed, proactive, open and knowledgeable professionals at your service. Their goal: using their skills to help you build your business.

Sylvain Racine Sylvain Racine
418-834-4343, ext. 7682132
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Sylvain Hudon Sylvain Hudon
Senior Manager
Commercial, Industrial and Real Estate Markets
418-834-4343, ext. 7682209
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Jocelyn Marceau Jocelyn Marceau, P.Ag.
Senior Manager
Farming and Agricultural Markets
418-834-4343, ext. 7684225
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Nancy St-Pierre Nancy St-Pierre
Client/Employee Experience and Performance Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7683250
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Maxime Gauvreau Maxime Gauvreau
Senior Manager
Commercial, Industrial and Real Estate Markets
418-834-4343, ext. 7682111
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Bruno Demers Bruno Demers, P.Ag.
Business Development Support Manager - Financing
418-834-4343, ext. 7684240
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Commercial, Industrial and Real Estate Markets team

Marie-Pier Aubin Marie-Pier Aubin
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682131
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Louis Audet Louis Audet
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682114
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Maxime Boucher-Roy Maxime Boucher-Roy
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682042
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Gino Brochu Gino Brochu
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682103
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Samuel Bureau Samuel Bureau
Business Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682135
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Félix Dubé Morneau Félix Dubé Morneau
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682120
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David Fortier David Fortier
Real Estate Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682028
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Mathieu Fortin-Parent Mathieu Fortin-Parent
Real Estate Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7683242
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Martial Fortin Martial Fortin
Real Estate Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7683231
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Jessy Garceau Jessy Garceau
Real Estate Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7683256
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Olivier Leblanc-Boucher Olivier Leblanc-Boucher
Real Estate Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682109
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Fabien Mârier Fabien Mârier
Real Estate Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682021
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Jérôme Mercier Jérôme Mercier
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7683225
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Félix Morency Félix Morency
Business Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682018
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Alain Pelletier Alain Pelletier
Real Estate Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682034
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Régine Pelletier Régine Pelletier
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682126
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Pierre-Alexandre Roy Pierre-Alexandre Roy
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682011
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Patrick Tremblay Patrick Tremblay
Real Estate Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682019
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Business Service team

Manon Blanchette Manon Blanchette
418-834-4343, ext. 7682027
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Maghy Boulet Maghy Boulet
418-834-4343, ext. 7682121
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Caroline Dubois Caroline Dubois
Team Leader
418-834-4343, ext. 7682150
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Camille Leblanc Camille Leblanc
418-834-4343, ext. 7682140
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Kathleen Lupien Kathleen Lupien
418-834-4343, ext. 7682113
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Laétitia Quéméré Laétitia Quéméré
418-834-4343, ext. 7683228
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Farming and Agroprocessing Markets team

David Cyr David Cyr, P.Ag.
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7684259
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Véronique Drolet Véronique Drolet, P.Ag.
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682012
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Nancy Gosselin Nancy Gosselin
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7684257
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Laurie Jacobs Laurie Jacobs
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682013
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Maude Labbé Maude Labbé, P.Ag.
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682141
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Mathieu Lacasse Mathieu Lacasse, P.Ag.
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682124
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Claude Morissette Claude Morissette
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7684248
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Gaétan Morissette Gaétan Morissette, P.Ag.
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7684255
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Julien Pouliot Julien Pouliot, P.Ag.
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682123
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François Robitaille François Robitaille, P.Ag.
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7684233
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Valérie Tremblay Valérie Tremblay, P.Ag.
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682032
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Camille Boulanger Camille Boulanger, P.Ag.
Account Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682036
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Business Development Support team

Manon Bergeron Manon Bergeron
Business Development Support Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682112
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Justine Bourget Justine Bourget, P.Ag.
Consulting Analyst - Financing
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Julie Demers Julie Demers
Business Development Support Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682017
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Luce Duquette Luce Duquette
Consulting Analyst - Financing
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Chantale Gilbert Chantale Gilbert
Business Development Support Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682005
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Junior Gourde Junior Gourde, P.Ag.
Consulting Analyst - Financing
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Kathy Mercier Kathy Mercier
Business Development Support Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682007
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Félix Pamerleau Félix Pamerleau
Consulting Analyst - Financing
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Laura Richer Laura Richer
Consulting Analyst - Financing
418-834-4343, ext. 7682004
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Marie-Eve Robert Marie-Eve Robert
Business Development Support Manager
418-834-4343, ext. 7682104
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Émilie Therrien, agronome Émilie Therrien, agronome
Consulting Analyst - Financing
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Charles-Philippe Thiffault Charles-Philippe Thiffault
Consulting Analyst - Financing
418-834-4343, ext. 7682106
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Sébastien Tremblay Sébastien Tremblay
Consulting Analyst - Financing
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Yan-Éric Tremblay Yan-Éric Tremblay
Consulting Analyst - Financing
418-834-4343, ext. 7682015
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Vincent Turbide Vincent Turbide
Credit Authorization Advisor – Real Estate
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Marc-André Turgeon, agronome Marc-André Turgeon, agronome
Analyst and Credit Authorization Advisor
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