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Walk for Maison de la Sérénité

On September 10, 2022, a team of 16 employees from Caisse du Centre et de l'Est de Laval joined 200 other participants for the first edition of Marchons pour la Maison, a walk to raise funds for Maison de la Sérénité.

Thanks to the initiative, Maison de la Sérénité surpassed its fundraising goals and raised $58,970. This will help the organization to continue offering free palliative care to the terminally ill in a peaceful and dignified environment.

Thank you to the organizers and volunteers who participated in the first edition of this remarkable event. We'll see you at the second edition next year!

Visit Maison de la Sérénité's website (in French only) - External link. This link opens in a new window.