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Our team

To help you in your endeavours, we have a team of committed, proactive, open and knowledgeable professionals at your service. Their goal: using their skills to help you build your business.

Steve Dufour Steve Dufour
Business Development Manager
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Marie-Claude Duguay Marie-Claude Duguay
Business Development Support Manager
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Martin Dumais Martin Dumais
Business Development Assistant Manager – Agricultural Market
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Annie Gallant Annie Gallant
Administrative Assistant
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Commercial and Industrial Markets

Paul-André Bourque Éloquin Paul-André Bourque Éloquin
Account Manager
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Agricultural and Agri-food Markets

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Advisory Analyst – Financing

Isabelle Arsenault Isabelle Arsenault
Payment Monitoring Agent (Business)
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Marie-Andrée Boudreau Marie-Andrée Boudreau
Financing Consultant Analyst
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Marie-Hélène Chouinard Marie-Hélène Chouinard
Financing Consultant Analyst
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Jean Cormier Jean Cormier
Credit Authorization Advisor
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Manon Cotton Manon Cotton
Business Services Advisor
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Daniel Gasse Daniel Gasse
Credit Authorization Advisor
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Maude Henry Maude Henry
Financing Consultant Analyst
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Bruno Lévesque Bruno Lévesque
Financing Consultant Analyst
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Donna Plourde Donna Plourde
Risk Management Advisor
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Maude Soucy Maude Soucy
Financing Consultant Analyst
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Johanne St-Laurent Johanne St-Laurent
Business Services Advisor
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Lina Thorne Lina Thorne
Payment Monitoring Agent (Business)
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Claire Vigneau Claire Vigneau
Business Services Advisor
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Laurette Dufresne Laurette Dufresne
Financial Services Agent
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Marie-Josée Lambert Marie-Josée Lambert
Financial Services Agent
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Mona Lapierre Mona Lapierre
Financial Services Agent
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Stéphanie Lapierre Stéphanie Lapierre
Financial Services Agent – Operations
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Karine Montmagny Karine Montmagny
Financial Services Agent
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