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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse populaire Desjardins du Piémont Laurentien > Events, news and publications > The Member ADVENTage Calendar contest

The Member ADVENTage Calendar contest

The holidays are just around the corner! To mark the occasion, the caisse is holding a Facebook contest to take care of your meals. Every week, the names of 2 members of Caisse populaire Desjardins du Piémont Laurentien will be drawn to win 5 fresh, delicious meals for 4, prepared by business members of the caisse.

How to enter

  1. Visit our Facebook page (in French only). - External link.
  2. Like the contest post.
  3. Answer the question by leaving a comment under the post.


Week 1: November 27 to 30, 2023

Two draws of 5 meals for 4 people from Les Copines Cuisinent (site in French only) - External link..

Total prize value: $422

Read the week 1 contest rules (in French only, PDF, 260 KB)

Week 2: December 4 to 7, 2022

Two draws of 5 meals for 4 people from Bouffe & Compagnie (site in French only) - External link..

Total prize value: $380

Read the week 2 contest rules (in French only, PDF, 226 KB)

The winners will first be contacted through the Messenger app and then by phone to plan the delivery of the prize. Good luck!


Catherine Héon
Communications and Associative Affairs Advisor
By email