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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins du Plateau-Mont-Royal > Democratic life

Democratic life

About your caisse's democratic life

As a caisse member, you have a say in how your caisse is run and how it contributes to the community. You can ask questions about caisse activities and performance and share your point of view. You can exercise your right to vote to adopt or amend caisse by-laws, and decide what to do with surplus earnings. You can also elect directors to the board. How? By participating in your caisse's annual general meeting.

Join the Board Succession program

The Board Succession program provides caisse members with an opportunity to learn more about how the board of directors works and to bolster their caisse's performance.

The board of directors selects the winning candidates, who participate in board meetings and discussions as observers. Candidates may use the experience they gain to apply for a full seat on the board of directors.

The program is intended for members whose profiles would strengthen the board's group profile, help it meet diversity targets and add to its shared skillset.

It's a concrete example of Desjardins's commitment to young people and communities and an important part of our financial and cooperative education mission.

Keep an eye out for more details about the next application period.

Learn more about the Board Succession program