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2024 day camp fees contest

Do you plan to enrol your kids in day camp? With the "Gagne tes coûts d'inscription au camp de jour!" contest, Caisse des Chutes Montmorency could pay for your registration costs!


Three prizes are available: 2 for the day camp run by community organization Le Pivot and 1 for the day camp run by the municipality of Boischatel. You'll be reimbursed for the registration fees paid to the day camp, including daycare and specialized camps, for 1 or more children in the amount of up to $1,000.

See the contest rules (in French only, PDF, 193 KB) - 

2023 winners

Our winners for the day camp run by Le Pivot are Rachelle Belleau and Catherine Béland.

Our winner for the day camp run by the municipality of Boischatel is Karine Vézina.

Congratulations to our 3 winners!