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About the caisse

A financial cooperative with deep roots in the community, Caisse Desjardins du Centre de La Haute-Côte-Nord has 5,119 members. Each caisse member is also a co-owner of the caisse.

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The mission of Desjardins Group, both subsidiaries and caisses, is to contribute to the improved social and economic well-being of the people and communities within the compatible limits of its field of activity
  • by developing an integrated cooperative network of sound and profitable financial services, on an ongoing basis, that are owned and administered by the members, as well as a network of complementary financial enterprises, all performing well in their respective fields of activity, controlled by the members.
  • by teaching democracy, economics, solidarity and individual and collective responsibility, to its members, officers and employees.

Today's Caisse Desjardins du Centre de La Haute-Côte-Nord is the result of the merger of the Caisse de Colombier and Caisse de Longue-Rive.