My dream is to live in the present

My dream is to live in the present (0 min 30 s)

Added on May 18, 2018

My equation: I march to my own beat. Depending on the stage of your life or future ambitions, your priorities could change. What's your equation? Take the quiz to find out!

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My dream is to live in the present (0 min 30 s)

Added on May 18, 2018 | Personal

Note: The text in square brackets describes audio and visual content in the video other than the dialogue or narration.

[The screen is split into three frames. On the left, we see a close-up of a cake in the shape of a house on a mint green background. In the middle, on a pale yellow background, we see an old orange cassette tape with “Fun. Fun. Fun.” written on it. On the right, we see a plastic hand doing the rock 'n' roll sign with festival bracelets around the wrist.]

[The three frames start to shrink and shift towards the middle until they're in the centre of the screen, right in front of a young man wearing a mint green sweater on a burnt orange background. Plus signs appear and move till they're placed in between the three frames, forming an equation. A super appears on the screen as the young man speaks into the camera.]

[SUPER + MAN]: My dream is to live in the moment.

MAN: What's my equation?
[The three frames disappear and we see a full-body shot of the man, standing alone in the burnt orange room. He has a pair of headphones around his neck.]

MAN: I march to my own beat.
[The screen splits again, this time into two horizontal frames. In the top frame, we see a close-up of the young man as he speaks into the camera. In the bottom frame, we see the house made of cake from the beginning.]

MAN: I live with roommates so we can split the bills. Basically, we share everything.

SUPER: basics

MAN: School is the most important thing right now
[The screen cuts back to a full-body shot of the man on the orange background. He speaks into the camera.]

MAN: …but that doesn't stop me from having tons of fun. [The screen splits again, this time in two vertical frames. On the left, we see the old orange cassette tape from the beginning, upon which is written “Fun. Fun. Fun.” On the right, we see the young man still speaking into the camera. A super appears in the centre of the screen.]

The super “fun” appears on the screen and stays until the next scene.

MAN: I have a playlist for every occasion.
[The screen cuts back to a full-body shot of the young man playing with the headphones around his neck.]
[Two screens, both showing the plastic hand wearing the festival bracelets, appear on either side of the young man, as well as a super in the centre of the screen. The fingers of the plastic hand move around while the young man is speaking into the camera.]
MAN: I went to music festivals all summer long.

SUPER: dream

MAN: That was living the dream!
[Cut. We come back to the screen from the beginning, split into three frames, with the close-up of the cake in the shape of a house on the left, the orange cassette tape in the middle and the plastic hand on the right. Supers indicating percentages appear on each frame, as well as other supers showing the text equation appearing behind the frames.]

SUPER 1: 50% + 40% + 10%

SUPER 2: Basics + fun + dream

MAN VHC: I like to take things day by day, but I definitely keep an eye on the future.
[Cut. Close-up of the young man on a burnt orange background.]

MAN: There are so many things I want to accomplish in life. SUPER + MAN: To each their own equation.
[The three frames from the beginning come back, but this time each appears on top of another.]

SUPER: Let us help you find yours.

[LOGO ANIMATION on green background]

SUPER: Desjardins