My dream is to have a solid base

My dream is to have a solid base (0 min 30 s)

Added on June 10, 2019

My equation helps me see where my money goes. Depending on the stage of your life or future ambitions, your priorities could change. What's your equation? Take the quiz to find out! Take the quiz to find out!

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My dream is to have a solid base (0 min 30 s)

Added on June 10, 2019 | Personal

Note: The information between brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video other than the dialogue, narration and supers.

[Audio: music from last year, modified]


[We see three images appear that split the screen into three parts. From left to right: the first image is of a pale yellow toaster on a pale yellow background. The second image is of a miniature conveyor belt coming out of a flap-covered opening in a wall on a two-tone green background. On the conveyor belt we see miniature-sized green luggage, sushi and a No. 1 yellow billiard ball. The third image is of a pale blue parachute on a pale blue background. It is flanked by a pale blue cloud. A round piece of gold swings from the bottom of the parachute. These three images then shrink to reveal a wide shot of a young man on turquoise background wearing a white shirt under an orange sweater and beige pants. He is speaking into the camera as if he were answering questions as part of a personal testimonial.]

YOUNG MAN: My dream is to have all my basics covered.

SUPER: My dream is to have all my basics covered.

[The three images disappear. We zoom in on the young man.]

YOUNG MAN: My equation? It helps me see where my money goes.

[We cut to a split screen. On the left, we see the toaster. To the right, we see a mid shot of the young man on a turquoise background speaking into the camera. We then see two pieces of toast pop up with an un-grilled dollar sign on each one.]

YOUNG MAN: Saving has always been a part of my basics. Every paycheque, I’ve been contributing a little to my TFSA… since my first job.

SUPER: the basics

[We cut to the image of the miniature conveyor belt. It becomes animated and we see the No. 1 yellow billiard ball, sushi and green luggage moving along it. They are joined by a blue guitar and disco ball (also miniature-sized) that come through the conveyor belt opening in the wall.]

[We cut to a mid shot of the young man on a turquoise background speaking into the camera.]

YOUNG MAN: My fun is all about experiences.

SUPER: the fun

[We cut to a split-screen. To the left, in a third of the screen, we see a full shot of the young man standing against a turquoise background. To the right, we see the image of the parachute that becomes animated and swings back and forth as if floating down from the sky. The young man speaks into the camera.]

YOUNG MAN: My dream is to have zero debt, so I can feel free.

SUPER: the dream

[We return to the three images at the beginning. This time, however, they are animated. Behind them, the line “The basics + the fun + the dream” is repeated in big, black letters on a white background starting from the top of the screen until the entire background is covered.]

YOUNG MAN: The more I’m organized, the less I worry about the unexpected.

SUPER: 40 + 40 + 20

[We cut to a mid shot of the young man on a turquoise background speaking into the camera.]

YOUNG MAN: How am I going to do it?

[The same three animated images (toaster, conveyor belt and parachute) appear to the right of the young man.]

YOUNG MAN: With my equation!

[The young man smiles.]

SUPER: To each their own equation.

Let us help you find yours.

[We cut to a green background. The Desjardins logo appears.]