Moving forward together

Moving forward together (1 min 15 s)

Added on April 7, 2021

We give millions to support organizations, businesses and projects that work towards socioeonomic development and the economic recovery.

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Moving forward together (1 min 15 s)

Added on April 7, 2021 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video, and the rest of the text corresponds to the dialogue.

[Background music: Upbeat and inspiring music]

[On-screen text: Moving forward together]

[A woman stands in a bike shop.]

[On-screen text: Supporting socioeconomic development and recovery]

[The front of a Desjardins caisse is shown.]

[On-screen text: GoodSpark Fund]

[A large flock of birds flies in the sky.]

[On-screen text: $250 million for strong, sustainable community development in Quebec and Ontario through 2024]

[A girl and a boy do work in a community garden.]

[On-screen text: $42 million for 124 projects in 2020]

[Two boys lying on a basketball court gaze at the sky.]

[On-screen text: Momentum Fund, to support business growth]

[A businessman stands in front of a window that overlooks skyscrapers.]

[On-screen text: $3.5 million in funding]

[An employee stands in a warehouse.]

[On-screen text: 570  businesses have benefitted]

[A woman stands in front of a building with a mug in her hand.]

[On-screen text: Pay it Forward and Double your Impact]

[Two phones display ad campaign images.]

[On-screen text: $4.9 million for more than 200 community organizations, food banks and 2,000 retailers]

[An older woman approaches a door to greet a person wearing a mask. An employee wearing a mask in a kitchen packs food into bags. A restaurant owner takes notes on a tablet.]

[On-screen text: Desjardins Cares and Shares Campaign]

[A time lapse of the entrance to the Complexe Desjardins building is shown.]

[On-screen text: Employees and directors gave $6.2 million to the Red Cross, to the Desjardins Foundation and to the United Way]

[The Desjardins logo inside the Complexe Desjardins building is shown. Red Cross staff meet with senior citizens at a table. A young graduate wearing a mask proudly waves her diploma. A little girl helps set the table.]

[On-screen text: Together, we can see farther]

[Overhead view of a village along the St. Lawrence River.]

[On-screen logo: Desjardins logo]

[Background music: Desjardins jingle]

End of transcript