Overview of available services
Overview of available services (1 min 29 s)
Added on March 2, 2022
The video clip presents some services offered to the community by the Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick.
Overview of available services (1 min 29 s)
Added on March 2, 2022
Note: The information in brackets describes the audio and visual content of the video that is not dialogue or narration.
[Context: The video clip presents some services offered to the community by the Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick. All voices are offscreen. Background music plays throughout the video.]
[Text on screen: Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Quote by Helen Keller.]
[Text on screen: 6 inspiring glimpses of Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick]
[Text on screen: Inspiration 3]
[On screen visual: Visual of the top of the Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick’s storefront. A woman is standing on the balcony right over the thrift shop’s store sign; it reads L’Économe magasin général.]
Narrator: The Centre adds to the services available to people in the area. Some of the people it helps may seem surprising.
[On screen visual: Valérie Lainesse enters the thrift shop with some clients. Interior shots of the store and of its aisles.]
Valérie Lainesse: You realize there are no labels here. Anybody can have problems--rich, poor, people with good jobs and status, or not. Finally, we realize that everybody experiences these problems.
[On screen visual: Shots of an employee walking along the store’s aisles, putting down a mug on a shelf, dragging a box across a countertop, then sitting in a chair, next to a clothing donation box outside the thrift shop. We can then see Valérie showing a toy to a child.]
Jacqueline Verville: For example, we help young people who’ve dropped out, want to back to school to build a career, kids starting school who need a new school bag, shoes, clothes, people who have had a lot of bad luck.
[On screen visual: Valérie walks along the thrift shop’s aisles.]
Narrator: Social outreach, help for seniors, food distribution, help with tax returns, social reintegration, school retention. There's a long list of needs. The Centre is there to meet them.
[On screen visual: Shot of the Centre’s yard. A man leaves the building and puts down a cardboard box on top of some other boxes. The screen fades to black.]
[Text on screen: Thanks for inspiring without judging.]
[Text on screen: The Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick’s logo]
[Text on screen: Soutenu par Logo of the Caisse Desjardins des Bois-Francs.]
[Text on screen: To see everything that inspires us, follow us on. Facebook’s logo]
End of transcript