House it Going? Web Series: HBP (Home Buyers' Plan)

House it Going? Web Series: HBP (Home Buyers' Plan) (1 min 10 s)

Added on March 29, 2018

In part 2, Arnaud Soly learns about the HBP. It's not a band, it's the Home Buyers’ Plan!
House it Going? is a 5-part web series on buying a first home.

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House it Going? Web Series: HBP (Home Buyers' Plan) (1 min 10 s)

Added on March 29, 2018 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video, and the rest of the text represents spoken content.

[The title of the series appears syllable by syllable on a projection screen as Arnaud Soly sings a long as they appear, striking different poses in front of the camera.]

[On-screen text: House it Going?]

[The topic appears on the screen. In the background, there’s a small yellow house on a table. Background music.]

[On-screen text: 2. The Home Buyers’ Plan]

[Arnaud Soly and Marie-Ève Dorion are sitting on stools in front of a white projection screen.]

Arnaud: Hi and welcome to House it Going? I’m Arnaud Soly, and this is Marie-Ève, advisor at Desjardins.

Marie-Eve Dorion: Hi, Arnaud.

Arnaud: Hey. So, House it Going with that home buying process?

Marie-Ève: Well, we covered the down payment.

Arnaud: I’m down with down payments.

Marie-Ève: To help you with your down payment, you can use the HBP to withdraw money from your RRSP.

Arnaud: Ooooh, I love that.

Marie-Ève: Do you even know what the HBP is?

Arnaud: Sure, we talked about it last time! It’s a band, right? You want to have a battle of the bands?

Marie-Ève: No, Arnaud, the HBP is not a band. It’s the Home Buyers’ Plan.

Arnaud: Yeah, yeah.

Marie-Ève: With the HBP, you can withdraw up to $25,000 from your RRSP for your down payment. So, as a couple, you could withdraw up to $50,000.

[On-screen text: $25,000/$50,000]

Arnaud: This is music to my ears!

Marie-Ève: You then have 15 years to pay back what you borrowed from your RRSP.

Arnaud: OK. House it possible to use the HBP if you don’t have an RRSP?

Marie-Ève: A Desjardins advisor can help.

Arnaud: That’s amazing. I’m definitely using the HBP to buy my first house.

[Cut to Arnaud sitting at the table with the yellow house. He’s playing Desjardins’s musical motif on a recorder with his nose.]

[On-screen text: Desjardins logo]